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Balanced Diet for Dogs is a Must

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog feeding

Dogs need more than just meat – they need a healthy, balanced diet and the right quantity for their size. Most people buy ready-prepared dog food but you could make your own if you prefer.

(Check out Four Forms of Commercially Prepared Dog Food)

Essential Elements

A good diet should provide all of the nutrients that a dog needs and must contain these elements:

Proteins – the building blocks of cells, proteins help to build muscles and repair the body. Lean meat, eggs, and dairy products are good sources of proteins.

Fats – high in energy and making food more tasty, fats also contain essential fatty acids, which help to maintain cell walls and aid growth and wound healing in your dog. They are the source of vitamin A, D, E, and K, and are found in meat, oily fish, and in oils such as linseed oil and sunflower oil.

Fiber – found in potatoes, vegetables, and rice, fiber helps to bulk out food and slow your dog’s digestion, allowing more time to absorb nutrients and making it easier for him to pass feces.

Vitamins and Minerals -  these help to maintain your dog’s body structures such as skin, bones, and blood cells, and support the chemical reactions that turn food into energy or enable vital body functions such as blood clotting.

Water – as with humans, water is essential for your dog’s life. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water. Refill the bowl with water two or three times a day.

Commercial Food

These foods can be moist, semi-moist, or dry. Dry foods can help keep teeth and gums healthy but check that they have wholesome core ingredients. You must provide plenty of water too, as dogs who are fed dried food drink more. Moist foods have a lot of moisture content along with higher fat and protein components.

Balanced Diet for Dogs is a Must

Ready-to-eat dog food. *

The advantages of commercial foods include a wide choice of brands; foods made for specific groups such as puppies, seniors, and pregnant and lactating bitches; clearly defined nutritional values; and ease of use. However, these foods can contain ingredients such as preservatives and flavorings that could disagree with your dog. Check the labels on these items if you are unsure of the ingredients, and look at the websites of pet food and standards organizations for guidance.

Natural Food

Instead of feeding your dog a packaged diet, you can prepare a home-made natural diet in the form of raw meat. You will also need to add cooked vegetables and starchy foods such as rice to provide fiber, and check with your vet if you need to add a vitamin and mineral supplement.

Balanced Diet for Dogs is a Must

Homemade dog food. *

This diet is closer to how a dog might eat in the wild, and you know there are no preservatives or other hidden extras. However, natural foods need to be carefully balanced and it can be difficult to ensure consistent nutritional quality or to adapt the diet to different energy needs of dogs. Preparation of fresh food on a daily basis can also take a lot of time.

Treats and Chews

Many dog owners give extra-tasty foods when training or simply as a treat. Some treats can be high in fats so if you give them to your pet regularly, make sure to reduce his main meals to prevent overeating. You can buy treats at pet shops or make the treats at home. Dogs prefer smelly and soft treats that have more meat in them, so try giving your dog treats with foods such as cheese and chicken or sausages in them.

Balanced Diet for Dogs is a Must

Homemade dog treats. *

Chews, on the other hand, help keep your dog busy, preventing him from chewing household items such as shoes and furniture or biting your hands. Chews are especially good for puppies during teething. They also play an important role in keeping your dog’s teeth clean and help keep his jaws in good condition.

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