Food & Drink Magazine

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

By Slowdownandsavor

So, I'm a little late with this, but hey. What can you do? Seriously though, I can't even believe it myself, but on the 21st, Jack turned 6 months old.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

That's half a year. WHAT?! How did this happen? And even more importantly, how did SO much happen in this last month?

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

I just went to look back on t he post I did to celebrate his 5 Months of life, and saw how much has changed since then. I mean, he would change here and there from month to month, but I'm talking about a LOT happening in this past month, and the most happened in this past week!

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

Let's start with some of the most exciting stuff, or at least exciting-me-to-me stuff.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He's growing! As of the 21st, Jack is 18 lb. 6 oz., and 26" in length. He's such a big boy, and I LOVE it!

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

Jack is now eating baby food once a day, which probably has something to do with his size.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

His favorites seem to be the butternut squash, carrots and apricots with mixed fruit. I introduced him first to the veggies, and then the fruit, but he seems happiest with the veggies, most especially butternut squash. He eats the food once a day, and it's possible that it may even be his most favorite part of the day. Besides cuddle time, of course.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

Another exciting development is that Jack can now sit! On his butt! (Mostly) Without help!

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He loves feeling like a big boy too. He gets so frustrated when he falls over or looses his balance. It's really quite amusing to see his disappointment, but he works hard to get it right each time.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He gets frustrated when he can't do things himself, like feed himself, or be mobile, but he's getting there.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He sleeps on his belly, and spends a lot of time there in his waking hours, trying his darndest to crawl.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He's almost got it, but there's just a few kinks that he needs to work out. Like the leg-arm coordination.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

Jack has really started to love being more present in his day-to-day too. What I mean is that he's no longer just a lump sitting in his little seat, only in his own little bubble.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

No. He's all up in ours now! It's so awesome to see him engage in what we're doing. He smiles, laughs, "talks," reaches, feels, tries to stand, loves to sit and just be around us. It's a wonderful change, that's for sure.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He's become quite the feeler, too. He pets his hair, my hair, my face, blankets, the kitties... He's loving exploring his world with touch.

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

He's even handling things a lot better. Like getting shots for example. On his 6-month birthday, he also had his 6-month wellness check, which included some shots. Instead of a major meltdown, he cried when the needle went in his leg, and that was it. Boom. Done. He even smiled at the tech who stuck him with he needles! WHAT???

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

Our little buddy sure is growing up, and I can't wait for more!

Baby Journal Update: 6 Months
Baby Journal Update: 6 Months

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