Family Magazine

Baby Dumped Down a Toilet in a Plastic Bag Survives

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Baby dumped down a toilet in a plastic bag survives


I always regret reading these stories as they tend to play on my mind. I guess its something I will never be able to understand, why mothers are able to commit such drastic actions, what frame of mind must they be in?


The lad was fished out of the hole in -30°C after a man noticed his cries.

Li Qingshu was walking past the public loo when he heard screams.

He raised the alarm after realising the sound came from a red bag when he looked down the squat lavatory.

Firefighters had to lift the bag with the baby out using a wooden pole in Nenjiang County, north-east China.



Thankfully this story has a happy ending as the baby survived.


The toddler was rushed to hospital — and has made an amazing recovery since.

Once he is well enough to leave hospital he will be adopted by a local family. It is still unknown who abandoned him.

China has a poor record for abandoned babies thanks to strict laws forbidding couples from having more than one child.


Read the full story


Perhaps if the law did not put these women in such a position things like this would not happen?


What are your views on the China law of only one child?

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