Books Magazine

AYearAThon – April

By Jazmin-Jade



AYearAThon is a read a thon that happens each month throughout the year with different themes. You can find the goodreads group here.

Since I don’t know what my work schedule and personal life is going to be like between the 6th-12th, I am going to keep my list small again. Better to surpass your goal than to not complete it. There doesn’t seem to be a specific time in which this starts, I am starting the clock at midnight my time. This months theme is:


I am super excited about this theme, one of my favorite genres and a good time to cross of some things I have been dying to read for ages.

The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen v2


killing moon








Be sure to check out my giveaway post for a chance to win two books!

Till Next Time…


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