Lifestyle Magazine

Author Spotlight With Alina Jacobs

By Thelostcoffeemug @LostCoffeeMug

Towards the end of last year, I stumbled upon Alina Jacobs with her book ‘Eating Her Christmas Cookies’.  I figured I would give it a chance since my goal last holiday season was to read more seasonal type books to go with the season.  I thought this would be a good one to try as it fit with the Holiday season and had some romance in there as well.  I was right about it and the book was just amazing and I can’t wait to keep reading more from this series.

Author Spotlight With Alina Jacobs

Alina was kind enough to answer a few questions so not only can I get to know the writer behind these great books so can you all.

What was the last book you read?

Anne Bishop – The Queen’s Price (Which was…well it was…let’s just say that.) 

Who is the author you look up to?

I love Tamora Pierce, Kristen Britain, Mercedes Lackey, basically all the authors that thirteen-year-old nerdy me loved! 

What type of stories do you like to tell?

I LOVE to tell funny stories! I love to laugh, I also love stories about big, loving, mildly dysfunctional families that I think a lot of people wish they were a part of. 

How are you able to come up with all of your characters for your stories?

For the FMC, I think about the types of girls I’d like to hang out and be friends with. They like a glass of wine and some tapas at the end of a work day, they kind-of-sort-of don’t have their life together, which let’s be honest, is super relatable, and they have a positive if sometimes snarky outlook on things.  For the men, I mean who doesn’t have fun creating their absolute dream of a guy with the looks, the money, the loyalty to family—I could literally do this all day!

How are you able to deal with “writer’s block”?

Usually I’ll get some sleep, hang out with friends and try to recharge my creative energy. 

What made you want to go into writing?

I love to read, and I love stories, and I didn’t see as many RomComs with the tropes, quippy dialog, and big, close-knit friend groups and families. 

How long have you been writing?

Since I learned to read lol! 

For a new author coming along what advice would you give them?

Read! All the things. Good things, bad things, things you love, things you think, yikes. Just read! 

Are you working on a new book? If so, can you tell us a bit about it and when it will be coming out?

I am working on the start of a new series, which I’m super excited about. It’s one of my all time favorite tropes—snarly boss and sunshine if mildly chaotic assistant! 

How can people find you on Social Media?

I’m on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook

Where can our readers get your books?

I am on Kindle Unlimited and have paperbacks in some local libraries.

I want to thank Alina for taking the time for this interview and make sure you read her books. They are on Kindle Unlimited and that is one great benefit to Kindle Unlimited is finding these new writers that have stories you love.

The post Author Spotlight With Alina Jacobs first appeared on The Lost Coffee Mug.

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