Food & Drink Magazine

At the Weekend

By Clairejustalittleless
At the WeekendAt the WeekendAt the WeekendAt the WeekendAt the WeekendAt the WeekendAt the Weekend
♥ I upcycled a vintage maxi dress into a tunic and sashayed the night away at a 70th birthday party. I need to throw out an item from my wardrobe now - one in one out!
♥ Discovered a new canalside cafe via twitter.
♥ Had a slow Sunday get-up - going away and the clocks changing have left me more tired than usual. 
♥ Got out walking every day.
♥ Used the potimarron I bought in a French supermarket in a tray bake. It's a little different to pumpkin as it has a richer color and has a delicate hint of chestnut. It looked and tasted wonderful.

The air was cooler this afternoon as we walked and my hands actually felt cold. The landscape is beginning to look bare too. Well it is November.

Thanks for reading, following and commenting here. It's lovely to share my time with you.

Enjoy your week xo

At the Weekend

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