Destinations Magazine

Aspen 2013-7: The Square Grouper, Best of the Week? and The Wild Fig

By Johntalbott

Nyaspen 2013 009The Square Grouper in aspen is a most exciting new place, but first some backstories:

- I've been coming to Aspen since shortly after its ski hills opened after WWII and have seen it go from rags to riches to reasonable; from a few weird Physicists to a lot of weird rich druggies to a mix of eco-sensibles, over-the-hill divorcees and working class stiffs.

- The location of the Square Grouper has been occupied above, on and below ground by a number of differently themed places over the years, with variable results.

- Its name - the Square Grouper - refers to bales of Mary Jane hurled off cigarette boats and caught (surprise) in fishing nets along the Gulf Coast.  It was originally to be Florida-centered but turned out New Orleans-influenced and a good thing that.

Because Colettes seafood salad while not surprising, was good, but my Shrimp Etouffee wasthe best dish of the week - plump, fresh shrimp in a just right (not too hot, not too mild) sauce with fried battered okra bits that reminded me of some alligator pop-corn I had in Santa Monica years ago - first rate.

With 2 glasses of Voodoo Cabernet (1 generously offered due to to my esteemed status), one iced tea and no desserts or coffee our bill was $41.53 before tip.


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