Fashion Magazine

As Astounding and Vast As the Sky

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
I simply love morning flights because of the scenery that awaits me in the sky. I love looking at cotton-like clouds. They make me feel lovely inside. I personally think that the picture of skies makes me feel really contented, knowing that there is a vast world that I am part of. It makes me feel that I am part of something big. It makes me feel really down to earth.
The sky has its promise of heaven. The sky makes you want to go beyond your limits yet keeping your feet on the ground. The sky is what embodies a perfect scene.
The sky is just one of the many astounding creations of the Almighty. And when we praise His greatness, it is one kind of worship. Maa Shaa Allaah. Aren't you happy to see the sky today? What if you don't see it again tomorrow? 
When the sunrise comes, the sky tells you to be thankful. Another day has come. And when the sun sets, it tells you to be hopeful. Tomorrow might not come, but we hope it will. 
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky
During the flight, a cute little boy from the back of my seat was teasing me. He was so cute that I cannot resist him. 

As Astounding and Vast As the Sky

My flight date. ^___^

And he took the following photos of me. Excuse the bushy eyebrows. I don't do my eyebrows. Really.
As Astounding and Vast As the Sky

As Astounding and Vast As the Sky

There are many little things in life we need to recognize and be thankful of. When we appreciate, we learn to be contented of what we are and what we have. In shaa Allaah, we learn to have steadfastness. 
We always can do better. 

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