
Armed Robber Steals Vape Kits From Arizona Vape Shop

Posted on the 21 May 2023 by Vapor Insider

A vape shop in Tempe, Arizona was robbed for $1,500 worth of vaping kits by an armed robber earlier this year.

The store, Gravitate Smoke & Vape Shop, was open at the time of the robbery. The suspect, described as a young Hispanic male with black hair and brown eyes, initially entered the store and attempted to buy merchandise before the store denied to sell him anything. He then left on a bicycle and returned later with a firearm, a silver revolver, which he allegedly kept pointed at the ground while he handed the clerk a bag and told them to fill it with vaping products.

The suspect reportedly never pointed the firearm that he was in possession of at the clerk during the robbery.

Phoenix Police Seargent Brian Bowers offered up the advice of simply following the directions of armed robbers, giving them what they want, and letting the police handle the rest, Fox 10 reported.

“We anticipate this happening a lot with different convenience stores, clerks, and we always give out the same advice. Just follow their directions. Follow their orders. Give them what they want, and then let the police department do all the investigation to find this person later.”

Vape shops across the United States have become targets for criminals intent on stealing cash and merchandise, the latter of which is unlikely to be difficult to sell on the black market. With vape stores raking in money through sales, it is perhaps little surprise to find that criminals are targeting them.

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