Religion Magazine

Ariel Sabar's Veritas, and the Latest on the Gospel of Jesus's Wife

By Goodacre
Ariel Sabar's Veritas, and the latest on the Gospel of Jesus's WifeRegular readers will know that I have posted many, many times over the years on the Gospel of Jesus's Wife, whether breaking news, offering round-ups of the latest news, or hosting contributions from others like Andrew Bernhard and Francis Watson. I have just finished reading Ariel Sabar's remarkable new book about the affair, and I realized that it's time, once again, to return to this topic.

The new book is out today, and I strongly encourage you to read it. It's very, very good: Ariel Sabar, Veritas: A Harvard Professor, A Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife (New York: Doubleday, 2020). I have podcasted my thoughts here:

NT Pod 94: Review of Ariel Sabar's Veritas (mp3) 
In providing this update, I realized that I hadn't also drawn attention to earlier podcasts in the series, which I released as classes were all going online in March in the wake of the pandemic. (I was at the time teaching my Non-canonical Gospels class). Here are some links to those podcasts:
NT Pod 87: What is the Gospel of Jesus's Wife?NT Pod 88: Is the Gospel of Jesus's Wife a forgery?NT Pod 89: How was the forgery of the Gospel of Jesus's Wife proved?NT Pod 90: How was the forgery of the Gospel of Jesus's Wife confirmed?
I realize that podcasts are not to everyone's tastes, and the good news is that there is already some excellent academic commentary on the release of Sabar's book. I would draw special attention to the following:
Interview with Ariel Sabar about his new book, VeritasJames McGrath (ReligionProf Blog)
How a Star Harvard Professor Got Suckered by Jesus' WifeCandida Moss (Daily Beast; not her title!)
Ariel Sabar's Veritas: Some First ReactionsBrent Nongbri (Variant Readings Blog)
More to come!

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