Debate Magazine

Are There Really a 100 Million Gun Owners?

Posted on the 26 July 2013 by Mikeb302000
Pew Research Center
A Pew Research Center survey in early May found that 41% of adults reported having a gun in their household: 27% said they personally owned a gun, and 14% said the gun or guns in their home were owned by someone else. Are There Really a 100 Million Gun Owners?There is a substantial gender gap when it comes to gun ownership: men are almost three times as likely as women (40% vs. 14%) to personally own a gun. However, women are more likely than men (by 22% to 6%) to live with someone else who owns a gun. Overall, 46% of men live in a gun-owning household compared with 36% of women. Gun ownership also differs substantially by region. Higher percentages in the Midwest (29%) and South (30%) say they own a gun. It’s less common in the Northeast (19%) and the West (25%). You know what I'm wondering right now? How does 27% of the adult population translate into 100 million gun owners?
Answer: it doesn't.  It doesn't even come close.
You know, the longer you stick around the gun debate, the more lies you uncover on the part of the pro-gun fanatics. They invent them because they sound good and because they support their losing position, and then they repeat them over and over again, thoughtlessly, stupidly.
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