Life Coach Magazine

Are #Protection Plans for #Electronics All They Are Cracked Up To Be?

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

You buy the latest and greatest cellphone and you’re offered a Protection Plan in case of damage, do you buy it?

You buy the latest and greatest super big flat screen tv and you’re offered a Protection Plan (at a cost) in case of damage, do you buy it?

Depending on the worth of the electronic, you may or may not opt for a Protection Plan.

Guess what, when it comes to cellphones, I buy it!

But It Burns My Bum!

Why? Because Protection Plans are not all they are cracked up to be. Before purchasing a Protection Plan be sure to read all the fine print AND shop around for other plans. If whomever you are buying the electronic from doesn’t want to give you the time to shop around, Run Fast!

Case and Point

The past few months have left me with an extremely bad taste in my mouth with Radio Shack. Usually when the hubs and I upgrade our cellphones, we using either the Sprint vendor or Radio Shack. If one or the other doesn’t have the cellphone we’re looking for, we’ll go to the other.

Both of us are definitely impatient and when we want something, we want it now!

So over a year ago we upgraded our phones and did so at Radio Shack. Radio Shack offers a protection plan for all electronics, including cellphones.


About 3 months ago, my beloved Samsung Galaxy Note 2 blew up on me. It happened out of the blew and really pissed me off! Not remembering that we purchased a Radio Shack protection plan, I called my local Sprint dealer and told them of my issues. It was then they told me I didn’t have their protection plan.


Sprint was more than happy to take a look at my phone for me. So I got in my car and headed north to the dealer. After working on my phone, which they said would cost me $25 due to no protection plan, it was determined that my motherboard was shot. I must have been doing some serious blogging or Twittering on that phone! :)

Here’s My Options

  • Pay $75 to Sprint and they would order me a new Samsung Galaxy Note 2
  • Go to Radio Shack and file a claim for my broken phone

Sprint was more than happy to document the issues and told me if I decided to use them, I would get my new phone quickly.

So I drove to Radio Shack to tell them what was wrong with my phone, what Sprint documented for me, and asked what I needed to do.

The representative said we can use the Protection Plan and that we should call them and proceed.

Protection Plans That Suck

The Convo

Hi. I was just at the Sprint store with my broken phone and they said the motherboard has blown up. They documented all the information on my account, however, I have the Radio Shack Protection Plan.

I see Mrs. Bitchy Pants. Let’s give them a call.

I hear him telling the person on the phone that my cellphone is in excellent condition; does not appear to be broken; have been dropped; or flooded with water.

Mrs. Bitchy Pants, we can proceed with your plan but we’ll need to send the phone back to them for inspection. It will cost you $150.00.

But wait a minute, you’re saying that I pay $150 and give you my phone to send back and then they will see what they can do? I’ve already told you what Sprint said. It’s documented in my account notes.

I understand Mrs. Bitchy Pants but this is how we would handle it via your plan.

This is freakin bullshit! Sprint has said what needs to be done. I can get a brand new cellphone from them for $75 and that’s without a freakin protection plan!

I understand Mrs. Bitchy Pants, would you like to speak to the Insurance Representative?


My blood was boiling and I know it wasn’t the poor guy in front of me fault. It was the Protection Plan that sucked balls and I even paid for that crap!

Hello Mrs. Bitchy Pants, how can I help you.

I was just informed about what can be done about my broken cellphone. Now let me tell you this. Your insurance plan sucks! You want me to pay $150 to send a broken phone to you and then you will decide if they fix it or replace it?

That is the way our plan works Mrs. Bitchy Pants.

Well your plan still sucks! How do I cancel this plan. I’m not going to pay for a plan that doesn’t suit my needs. Again, I can get a brand new cellphone from Sprint for $75 without a protection plan!

I’m sorry to hear your disgruntled Mrs. Bitchy Pants. You can cancel your insurance by calling xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Well your damn sure gonna know I’m calling and I’m getting a refund! PLUS I’m going to tell the world what a bullshit protection plan you have!


I’m really sorry Mrs. Bitchy Pants but I can understand your anger. If you can get a new cellphone from Sprint for $75, I would do it for sure.

Thank you. I’ve never in my life have heard of a protection plan where it actually costs you more when you have an issue.

Understood. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

No, thank you.


Have you ever heard of such craziness?

Have you ever experienced anything quite this crazy with a protection plan you have?

How would you have handled the situation I was in?

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