Art & Design Magazine

April Song 6: "Mary Ann" by Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon

By Ventipop @ventipop

Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon Bio

"Mary Ann" is just one of the many phenomenal songs off the new album Namesake recently released by Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon. Quiet and thoughtful in his personal demeanor, it seems counterintuitive that Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon's breakout moment would come on national TV - a medium suffused with bombast and self importance. After breaking through the show's Top 10 every action seemed to have a massive reaction: upon singing Elton John's "We All Fall In Love Sometimes" - a Jeff Buckley favorite - Harmon received a phone call from Sir Elton and a public declaration that the performance, "Took my breath away." He caught the attention of actress and Broadway singer Cynthia Erivo and the pair sang the Cyndi Lauper hit "Time After Time" as a duet. Meanwhile, after daily soundstage rehearsals for Idol, Jeremiah worked on the lyric and chord charts for his own songs and jumped into an Uber for the drive out to Long Beach recording studio BIG EGO. The first three sessions yielded nine songs including "Almost Heaven" featuring a rhythm section of Cherry Glazerr drummer Tabor Allen and L.A. bass virtuoso Steuart Liebig. Eventually the scope of the album would grow to include an orchestra, a 20 person gospel choir, iconoclastic guitarist Jeff Parker and Stephen Hodges, drummer on the Tom Waits classic Swordfishtrombones.

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