Hair & Beauty Magazine

App Attack!!! (Drippler)

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc
App Attack!!! (Drippler)

Cost: Free

Available on Android and iOS

Drippler's tagline is: "Making Your Smartphone Smarter" and that is precisely what it does. Drippler gives you many tips and tricks to make your experience with your smartphone much more fun and productive.

Drippler combs through the internet to find cool new ways to improve your smartphone use. It looks for fun new games, apps, widgets, and other tips that will interest you.

Putting the app to use:

Drippler is the type of app you just download and it runs in the background. Whenever it finds an interest, it will notify you. You can also open the app to see the latest news, but it is more satisfying when you let it occasionally notify you. The screenshots above should give you a good idea of what the app does. While I was testing the app, it provided me with new information about my phone. It showed upcoming software updates, how to encrypt pictures on my phone, and some new games that I enjoy. It also shows lists of amazing new apps and app updates. I have found so many cool new apps from using Drippler. If you are the type of person who likes knowing the latest technology news, Drippler is for you.

My rating:
App Attack!!! (Drippler)

Very helpful tips

Quick technology information

Great app design

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Learn about anything technology related

Current technology news and trends



App Attack!!! (Drippler)

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