Art & Design Magazine

Antony Micallef Achive Prints Exhibition at Leyden Gallery

By Ukstreetart @ukstreetart

2d924efe279a9d89 MicallefWeComeinPeace815x715BA1000 Antony Micallef Achive Prints Exhibition at Leyden Gallery

The Leyden Gallery in East London are proud to present a selection of prints from the internationally acclaimed artist Antony Micallef.

Micallef has always been a firm favorite of ours here at UKSA and since winning the second prize at the BP Portrait Award in 2000, he has gone on to group shows at The Royal Academy and The Tate Britain – strength to strength.

Micallef manages to merge the concerns of pop culture with a baroque touch, bringing this fusion to dizzying ends, which he has likened to “watching a Disney movie that slowly transforms into violence and pornography and you don’t know how or when the change happens.”

4762eb5939cf645d MicallefMythicWeapon UziLover1945x645BA600 Antony Micallef Achive Prints Exhibition at Leyden Gallery

More info about our show.

[email protected]
9/9a Leyden Street
E1 7LE
020 7655 4825

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