Psychology Magazine

Annmarie’s Grandson Eating Ice Cream with Folks

By Aynetal3 @aynetal3
Sandwich (Chicago), Illinois, United States
Hi, we're Ann and all (Aynetal3). We are 58-years and am a Multiple. We have three adult sons and their families and am in a 23-year relationship with our best friend Rich. We have in our home Dakota, our 5-year old collie/golden retriever service dog, and Missy our 19-year old black kitty. Oh, and we keep our psychiatrist Dr. Marvin in business 😉 We had been studying at a Master's level Educational Psychology and Adult Education - e-learning, technology and design. We enjoy a strong interest in Self-Regulation and Multiplicity or Dissociation (DID, but w/o so much disorder). We do a lot of curating through reading and writing, and we utilize Word, Mindmapping, Evernote, a few favorite books, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Speakerdeck, and Learnist). We believe in the power of the BLOG and "all of our" ability to validate People, especially through sharing conversation, video, and art/images.
Ann Marie (Ludford) GARVEY Consultant, Project, Manager, and Writer in Sandwich, Illinois


I would like to use new-found expertise in Adult Education: e-Learning, Technology and Design to work with Multiples (Dissociative Identity Disorder - DID) in establishing online learning opportunities to discover more and better information about multiplicity for ourselves and for interested others.


I am multiple "thought leader" learning through self- and other-education in dissociation; and we are interested in curating and developing knowledge networks through a learning management system and various social media platforms

I am also an enthusiastic Quilter!


Ann's Multiple World of Personality - Regular, No Cream No Sugar

FriesenPress, November 2010

Ann M. Garvey, the author, writes a daily non-traumatizing journal about her day to day world as someone with multiple personality disorder


  1. St. Rose Center - QSP - Quality Support Professional at St. Rose Center Accreditation Specialist, Program Design, Staff Trainer, small and large group facilitator, and held a caseload of individuals with intellectual disabilities July 1999 - November 2011 (12 years 5 months)
  2. Jewish Vocational Service of Chicago - Production Workshop Coordinator Jewish Vocational Service of Chicago January 1994 - May 1997 (3 years 4 months)
  3. Volunteer School District U-46 Elgin, IL September 1986 - December 1990 (4 years 4 months)
  4. Volunteer positions for the School District Council working with both Special Education and the Gifted programs. Newsletter (3 years)
  5. Parent volunteer with a Kindergarten-First Grade School Co-op in Elgin, IL (2 years)


email: [email protected]


Twitter: @Aynetal3

LinkedIn: Ann Garvey

Facebook: Ann Ludford Garvey

    • Blaine Senior High School
    • St. Mary's University of MN
    • University of Oslo
    • Capella University
    • Jones International University

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