Debate Magazine

Angel Lights

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” — C. S. Lewis

AngelWingsReacting to a post I did last Thursday, “A Prayer to our Guardian Angel,” Scott M., an FOTM reader-commenter, sent us these extraordinary pictures he’d taken.

At the time when Scott took these pictures, he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. It was only when he looked at the photos that he saw them — an angel, orbs of light, a golden candlestick, and a tiny cross over his son’s heart.

It didn’t matter what camera he used. The pictures all came out suffused with the extraordinary and the unexplainable.

Here are some of the pictures, with Scott’s commentary. To protect the privacy of Scott’s son, Max, I’ve superimposed a picture of a dove over the boy’s face. (Click the pics to enlarge.)

1, Angel in the Window:

Scott writes: “This pic was taken in an old abandoned 1800′s church in North Florida. We were all alone, we just got through saying the Lord’s Prayer. Max looked at me and said, ‘You know, Dad, Jesus made an awesome sacrifice for us.’ Right then I snapped the picture. Later when I down loaded it I saw something in the window. Around the church outside there was nothing even close to the windows. I cropped it out and blew it up…and it blew me away. If you look close you can see her hands folded over her heart. You can even see her little fingers. At the bottom of the picture you can see where she manifested herself up from, like a traveling tube. She is smiling and her wings are spread. Just amazing.”

2. Orbs of Light:

cross on Max
“This picture of my son, Max, was taken inside our church. The window behind Max is the spot where the angel was seen. Notice the angel orbs of light around Max (indicated by the yellow arrows). There was also a tiny little orb of light on Max’s chest.”

“I was led to crop it out and blow it up. As you can see, there is a perfect cross inside the orb right over his heart.”

3. Cross Over Max’s Heart:


4. The Golden Candlestick:

max golden candle stick (2)
See that golden candlestick on the left? In actuality, there was no golden candlestick when Scott took this pic. Here’s his commentary: “The second is a golden candle stick to the left of my son. This is amazing. I believe it to be a sign of God’s inner sanctuary ( The secret place of the most high, our hearts in His heart). As in the Holy of Holies within His temple. I was also led to Zachariah 4 and 5. Another amazing thing is I took the picture with a flash and yet the golden candlestick threw a shadow. How is that possible?”

Scott writes: “God has so showered me and my family with His loving grace and mercy. We have come back from utter desolation through our complete surrender to His love and will. I tell Him every day, ‘Lord, I love you … and I appreciate you very much.’ We have now, with much hard work and His guidance, turned generations of sickness and walking-away into repentance and spiritual closeness in our secret place of the Most High — His hands. Thank you Lord.”

Fellowship of the Minds thanks Scott and Max for sharing these extraordinary pictures with us.

God bless and keep you!

“Miracles are what happens when you get out of the way of yourself.” ― Brad Szollose


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