Fashion Magazine

And This is Why I Love Living in NYC

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

On a random Saturday afternoon, my husband and I decided to take the baby and see what was happening at the Brooklyn Museum.  We hadn’t been there in a few years, and figured we would check it out.  We didn’t look up anything online, nor had we been paying attention to much anything besides getting through the day to day now that we are both back to work.  We were happy to have a free weekend in the city for which we had no plans.  Despite the frigid temperatures, we made our way there quite early  before all the crowds (and we had no idea the crowd that was to come).  Turns out the famous Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit was happening right then and there!  And we had just stumbled upon it!  Now let’s not get started on why the hell I am a fashion blogger and had no idea about the Gaultier exhibit practically right in my backyard.  Are you kidding me, Gina?  I will blame it on baby brain, and just move on to tell you how awesome it was.  Only in New York can you just happen to stumble upon something so amazing!  For those of you who don’t know Gaultier, all I have to say is Madonna and cone bra, and I’m sure this will ring a bell!  He is a French haute couture and prét á porter fashion designer.  He was also the creative director of Hermés for seven years.  The exhibit was complete with 140 ensembles along with interactive mannequins, sketches, runway footage, photographs, and so much more.  We could not have picked a better exhibit to “run-into.”  Unfortunately, I did not carry my camera with me this day, as we had enough to carry around, but I was able to take some snaps with my iPhone.  Enjoy!














Hope you all had a nice weekend, and wishing you a great week ahead!



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