Hair & Beauty Magazine

An Orgasm to Go: Self-Care and Solo Play for the Long-Distance Traveller

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Hitting the road for an adventure is exciting, but for those who are in committed relationships, it can also mean temporary separation from your partner. And while the anticipation of reunion can indeed be sweet ("absence makes the heart grow fonder", and all that; long stretches away can leave you longing for some "me time" of the more intimate variety.

Fear not, intrepid explorer! Because we've got some pretty 'handy' for maintaining sexual satisfaction all the while keeping your travel woes frustration-free...

Pack Smart, Pack for Pleasure:

  • The Essentials: Discreet and rechargeable vibrators can be your secret weapon for solo sessions on the go.
  • Lube for the Win: Friction is no fun, especially in unfamiliar hotel rooms. So, be sure to pack a travel-sized lubricant to ensure a smooth and comfortable solo experience.
  • Sensory Enhancers: Perhaps consider packing a blindfold or feather tickler for a touch of extra sensory exploration during your solo sessions...

Prioritise "Me Time":

  • Schedule Solo Sessions: Just like sightseeing or souvenir shopping, try to schedule some "me time" for solo exploration. Blocking out some time in your itinerary allows you to relax, unwind, and focus on your own pleasure.
  • Find a Quiet Space: Whether it's during a midday siesta in your hotel room, or getting tucked into bed after a busy day, find a quiet and comfortable space for your solo session.
  • Create a Relaxing Atmosphere: Light some candles and put on calming music, or take a relaxing, hot bath to set the mood for a sensual experience.

Embrace Technology (if that's your thing):

  • The Power of Video Calls: If you and your partner are comfortable with it, consider scheduling a video call for some virtual intimacy. Spicing things up with sexy outfits or role-playing can add a touch of excitement to your long-distance connection.
  • Share Erotic Content: Sending each other flirty messages or sexy photos can keep the spark alive while you're apart. Just be sure you're both comfortable with this type of communication. Understand one another's boundaries.

Most Importantly, Embrace Self-Discovery:

  • Explore Your Options: Solo travel can be a fantastic opportunity for self-discovery - in more ways than one. But in this case...experiment with different techniques, explore erogenous zones you might have otherwise neglected, and enjoy the process with a discreet sex toy or two for good measure.
  • Relax and Enjoy: Don't put any pressure on yourself to achieve orgasm every time. Just focus on the sensations and enjoy yourself.

Solo Play: Your Companion on the Road

Remember, a healthy sex life is an important part of your overall well-being, and there's no shame in a little solo play when the occasion calls for it. That and it is a fantastic tool to keep the fire burning, no matter where your travels take you!

So, pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and don't forget one for the road: your orgasm to go!

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