Debate Magazine

An Example of a Legitimate DGU - Gun Store Manager Against Baseball Bat Robber

Posted on the 28 July 2013 by Mikeb302000
An Example of a Legitimate DGU - Gun Store Manager Against Baseball Bat Robber
Mediaite reports
22-year-old Derrick Mosley reportedly attempted to rob Discount Gun Sales in Beaverton, Ore., on Thursday. Wielding a baseball bat, Mosley strolled into the store and smashed a display case. But, according to police, upon attempting to steal a gun from the smashed case, he learned that gun beats bat. All the store manager… of a gun store… had to do was pull out his own personal firearm. And that he did. Pointing it straight at Mosley, the manager successfully ordered the would-be robber to drop the bat, the unloaded gun he was trying to steal, and a nine-inch knife in his possession. Upon arrival, the sheriff’s department reportedly found Mosley on the floor, still being held at gunpoint by the furious manager. The failed robber was booked on charges of first-degree robbery, first-degree theft, unlawful possession of a firearm, and second-degree criminal mischief.

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