
Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete Explanation About Niche Or Topic Selection with Examples

Posted on the 20 August 2020 by Aamritri
Niche or Topic Selection - Most important part of Tutorial because all of your success is based on your choices which you will make about the topic of your blog. Read about all the important information and also some examples for you to understand well. Table of Content Short Introduction to 1st Part of Tutorial Important Choices for Niche Selection Different Type of Topics for your Blogs Advantages & Disadvantages of Single Niche & Multi-Niche Sites

Niche Importance in Reducing Bounce Rate - Write Base Articles

Very Important Information about Main Keyword Selection Top Suggestions for to Choose Niche

Short Introduction to 1st Part of Tutorial

We suggest you read AMIR BLOGGING TUTORIAL PART 1 because that's a full introduction about what you may learn in this Tutorial. That part can also clear some basic concept about blogging and also discuss some important legit ways to earn money online.

In this 2nd part, I will explain everything about Niche or topic selection. A most important part of this Tutorial because one mistake here can destroy everything. If you fail to choose the best and high-quality topic for your blog, you can work for months, and there are no benefits to it.

Important Choices for Niche Selection

Most new bloggers are always worried about which topic we must choose to start a blog. Choosing a topic is depends on someone who wants to create a blog, but there are some tips that you can follow.

1- Write about your Passion or Experience - My 1st suggestion for new or failed bloggers to write about your passion, what you actually like, you have good knowledge, or what is your actual real-life experience? For example, if you have good knowledge about health topics, you are a doctor or studying medical filed, I will never suggest you to create a blog about technology. If you have good knowledge of games because you play them, read about them, never create a blog about Traveling. To get success in blogging, you need to produce original and high-quality content compare to the top 10 competition because if you are not passionate about something, no knowledge or experience, you may need to read hundreds of articles or steal from your competition. With good knowledge or experience, you can write hundreds of words articles because the content is automatically generated with little research, your experience provides you with really unique ideas when writing.

2- Write about Common Topics with Research - But there are people who don't want to create a blog about passion or experience. There are some reasons like they don't have any good knowledge about any specific topic, don't like to write about what they really know, it could be any other reason. Now you can write about something which most people are already doing, steal content from competition articles, and write in your own words. It's a process where we are collecting good points from all top 10 competition articles and create better content compared to all of them. For example, you can see 6 articles that explore 1 single title in completely different ways. What you can do to compete with all of them? Write a unique article by collecting all important points explained in their articles and then explain them in your words with a lot of changes. There is no need to expert in any topic for you to create this type of blog because you just need to write awesome content in your words which are already written by top bloggers who actually researched a lot.

But there are some mistakes which most bloggers are doing already when trying to get ideas from top sites. For example, if you write about a topic like "Tekken 7 - 20 Similar games", they just visit the top 10 sites and collect entries from top sites and explain them in their own words. It's possible there are 6 unique articles ranking in the top with over 45 different entries, you just need 20 of them for your article. Tekken 7 is a game about the arcade, fighting but you can easily find some entries mentioned in top sites that are completely different from the original game. When you are trying to get ideas, you must be creative enough to find the best games from 45 which are actually matching Tekken 7. Don't think about some sites are ranking with false entries in their articles, and you can also rank for it. User experience is really important for every site if someone visits your site and finds all entries are really helpful and actually similar to Tekken 7, they will read more content on your site or become a permanent reader. If they find most entries are completely different from Tekken 7, first of all, they will quit your site and start reading some other articles, 2nd if your site ever shows up in the search for some other keywords, they will ignore it because of your false data provided in the previous article read by them.

Different Type of Topics for your Blogs

After you decide about what you are going to write about on your blog, its very important for you to choose a topic for your site. But it's not easy again, you can read below about all possible choices which are very important for you to think before the creation of the blog.

1- Multi-Niche - The first choice which you can make is to create a multi-niche blog. There are too many advantages and also the disadvantages of this multi-niche site which you can read below. What is the main concept behind a multi niche site? For example, you can choose many topics which are a little bit similar to each and write about them. You can add Pc Games, Mobile Games, Tech News, PlayStation games, and more. But you can also write about Tech, Blogging, entertainment, and completely different categories in one blog. In the multi-niche concept, you are not limited to write about only one topic, it looks like you are creating an open world with no limitations.

2- Multi-Niche Type 2 - Its similar concept to Multi niche but there are some limitations in it. For example, in a multi-niche site, you can write about almost every topic ever available on the internet. But in Type 2, you can focus only on 1 large topic which is also huge for you to explore. You can create a tech site that can include large topics like "Games Guides", "Upcoming Laptops, Mobile or Playstation", "Solutions to Tech errors" and many more. But you cant write about health, blogging and everything else.

3- Single Niche - In a single niche, you can only write about a specific topic and its more limited compare to Multi-Niche & Type 2. For example, You can write about Pc Games only. It can include everything "Games Guides", "Games Reviews", "Upcoming Games", "Top Games", "Games News" and more. But you cant write about similar topics which are part of the tech niche like Mobile Games, Computer Softwares, and others. As you can see this single niche is also very wide where you can create too much content about pc games.

4- Single Niche Type 2 - As you can read above from multi-niche, multi-niche type 2 & single niche, all of these are wide topics to explore. But there is another niche which is very important for you to know and its Fix Niche. For example, you can only write about any fixed topic which required a lot of hard work. Write about any popular game and create an authority site for a specific keyword. Look below in images, a perfect example to create a Type 2 Single Niche where you need to write about "Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition". What are the benefits of this type of niche site, you can read below with details?

Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples
Keywords Dungeons & Dragons
Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples
Keywords Dungeons & Dragons
Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples
Keywords Dungeons & Dragons
Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples
Keywords Dungeons & Dragons

5- Events Niche - In fixed dates of every year there are some festivals all over the world. People search on google all the time about them. You can say over millions of searches are produced for every single topic. You can create a site about it but it can give you traffic only some fixed days of the year. For example, thousands of Muslims are searching for the next EID date on google, looking for some good meme and also information about it. I suggest bloggers create sites related to almost every event happening all over the world to receive traffic the whole year. Hundreds of bloggers are already taking advantage of it.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Single Niche & Multi-Niche Sites

1- Keyword Research Challenges

MN (Advantage) - In a multi-niche site, you get too many choices to write about because all topics are open for you. In simple words, you don't need to look for any specific keywords, just try to find any low competition keyword, create a post, and publish it. It means multi niche sites don't depend on Hard Keyword Research, you find some better keywords, just create a new category & write articles.

SN (Disadvantage) - But its really hard to find good quality keywords for Single Niche. If you are writing about Pc games only, you are limited to games related keywords. The main focus of your research is all about Pc Games which is really difficult to find quality low competition keywords. Single niche sites are very difficult to manage as you need more hard work searching for good keywords and competition in search engines is also very high.

2- Interlinking Problem - On Page SEO

I will explain interlinking in short words because of its whole topic which needs full article to explain. When you create a new article or page on your site, its very important for you to create links on-site with the right anchor text. In simple words, you are creating backlinks on your own site. Google is a very intelligent AI system that can read everything on your blog. When they see your article is linked to some other articles using the right anchor text, and all pages where this article is linked are also written on a similar topic, you can see green signals with a better ranking in Google. It shows google how much this article is relevant to the site's main concept and users can also get access to this page using other articles. If you don't link your article to other pages, and the only way to access is using a sitemap or google search or direct link, that's really bad for SEO.

MN (Disadvantage) - When you create a multi-niche site, it becomes a very big problem for you to connect pages with each other. For example, you must not link an article from the tech category to some other categories like health or blogging. Google is very intelligent to read about what you are doing on your site. You are linking the article "Best Android Phones to Purchase in 2020" with an article which talks about "20 Exercises to reduce your weight in less time", you think Google cant understand it? Now you can solve this problem by creating many articles on the same topic and link them with each other. But with covering too many topics and hundreds of articles, sometimes it can become really difficult.

Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples

SN (Advantage) - With a single niche, there is no problem for you. You can easily link every single article with 100 other articles without any problem. For example, you can write an article about "20 Pc games like Stronghold" & Connect with any games related article without any worries. Unlike multi-niche, you get full advantage of interlinking to give Google a green signal.

3- Backlinks Creation Problems - Off Page SEO

4- Google Priority in Search Results

5- Bad User Experience

6- Traffic Effects

7- Social Media Effects

MN (Balanced) - When you create a social media page or account where people can follow you, creating a page of Facebook for a multi-niche is good or bad for you. People may like to follow you to get updates from any fixed topic or they may really love to get random posts on every topic. You can share your posts in more groups or places because of a lot of different content written on different topics.

SN (Balanced) - Creating followers on fix topic is always a good idea but you get limited users. But people who join you are always more loyal followers compare to multi-niche profiles. Because they only join to look for updates about fix topic, they don't want too many random posts coming in front of them about everything and topic which they really hate.

8- Requirements of Content Creators

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Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples

Niche Importance in Reducing Bounce Rate - Write Base Articles

Choosing a niche that can help to reduce the bounce rate is very important. You may never hear of Base Articles in your life? These are very important articles that connect with too many other articles and forces users to read more & more on your site. These articles can reduce your bounce rate but if you choose the wrong niche, that's bad for your site.

Sometimes we create a really cool site but when people visit us using search engines or any other sources, they find whatever they are looking for, no one visits other pages on your site. That's very bad because google considers it a bad user experience when someone visits your site just leave without doing anything like visiting some other pages etc. That's why single niche sites are very important where users can more and mores similar content to click and read.

So what you people understand from the above example? That's a base article where 1 article is connected with 30 articles and all of them are connected with each other. For example, if a user visits for "Top 5 Strategy Games", you need to write about every game in short words like 300 and then send them to another article which is written with over 2000 words for the same game. It means if a user is reading about 5 games, they need more information about those games, they must visit 5 other articles to read full details. When they reach to Game 1 page for more information, you connect another 1 article in it. It means you can ask them, "Like this game?", visit these 5 similar games with it. They can surely click for more similar games & when they reach the article of 5 similar games to GAME 1, write short descriptions and force them to visit more articles for details. That's a long process but if you connect everything well and without creating problems for users, that's will surely work for you. Don't forget to create an easy interface for users to go back to the base articles with one click and easily navigate through the whole system of articles.

It can work with entries type posts because you can't use this idea with every niche. Top 10 or other types of lists can work for this idea perfectly. But you can divide large articles into many topics to create base articles. It will solve your interlinking problem, bounce rate problem, and also give a green signal to google about related content.

Very Important Information about Main Keyword Selection

Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples
Amir Blogging Tutorial – Part 2 – Complete explanation about Niche or Topic Selection with Examples

Choosing the main keyword for your site is very important and you can consider it equally important than choosing the best niche. There are some tips to choose the perfect keyword for your domain name & main site keyword. Read below about some top suggestion which can help new bloggers to choose a great keyword for your site.

1- Unique Brand Name - You can choose a completely unique domain name that no one ever used before. For example, if your site is about tech, choose Amir tech or something similar. But you must always do proper research about it, search in google with your main place & look for results. When your site will start getting rank, your unique keyword will become a symbol for your site & whenever someone searches for it, your site will come up 1st in results.

2- Choose Popular keyword - If you don't care about a unique brand name, you can always choose a keyword that is popular in search results. But there are some advantages & disadvantages to this technique. You can receive huge traffic for your site from the main keyword, that's really awesome benefits. If you choose a keyword with thousands of traffic, related to your niche, and it gets ranked, you will get unlimited benefits from it. But if you fail to rank on this keyword, no one can find your site on google. That's a big disadvantage because you may not be able to get your fans traffic from google.

Why don't you choose a keyword for a small site like "pokemon fan games"? Create all articles about only Pokemon, fan games, bug fixes, updates, modes and Google will rank your site for most of the above keywords in less time. Google will consider your site as an authority on Pokemon games because you use the main keyword & all content is connecting your site with Pokemon. In the above example, there are over 2000 keywords with low difficulty for you to create a perfect site on trending games.

Top Suggestions to Choose Blog Niche

What You Can Learn more in Amir Blogging Tutorial?

1- Write about Errors, problems related to almost everything - The best suggestion for you is to create a site that provides a solution about everything. You may think about very high-level competition in markets like Quora or some other sites, but if you keep adding good content, people will start to follow you in less time. Again, there is no need for you to become an expert about it, all you need to do is read articles on almost every platforms possible which are about solving errors or fixing any problem. Just look for some trending problem on the internet and begin your happy blog to help people in your benefits.

2- Solve Gaming Errors - Create MODs - If you have good knowledge about programming, it's the best idea for you to create gaming mods or fix errors. I know most people can't work on this idea, but those who can need to start right away. Whenever you see the new game coming, follow all forums or sites where it's trending, look for what people are talking or facing problems, one error which you solve may give you millions of traffic for a very long time. You can look for some errors in old games, create mods for trending old games like Mount & Blade.

3- Upcoming Games - Most unique idea to create a site is upcoming games. Write about the news of these games, what people may think about it, compare it with old games, you can also sell them using some affiliate sites, people search about these games all the time. After their release, your traffic can reach the highest level & if that game is a success, you can't imagine what you will get from it.

4- Lists - Creating a list is very easy because all you need is to talk about some entries only. People really like it, search for it and the most important benefit is to create Base Article for your site. You can also create multi niche sites which is a good idea like Top 10 Lists where you add content about everything.


In this article, it tried my best to cover everything about Niche selection for new bloggers. Succes of every blog depend on Niche selection, if you fail to select a perfect niche in which you are sure to get successful, there is no need to waste time. I can help to choose niche for your site, but I don't have much time, trying my best to help everyone. You will learn more important information about blogging, above is a list of some upcoming articles, you must follow our tutorial, share, and become perfect in blogging.

It's important for everyone who reads the above post to share it on all their active social media & also follow us on SM or subscribe to receive emails. The tutorial I completely free but you can consider sharing and following as price for this quality content I am sharing with you.

You can ask any question below, or use different social media platforms like the Fb page or group created by me. I can also write a complete article to answer your questions. I can review your site and also provide you with some free keywords to rank high and more.

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