Current Magazine

America’s Fastest Growing Ethnicity – Native American

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

Like a lot of other North American’s I have Native American DNA. Whats It mean?

More than anything it means that over 7 generations back you had well over 100 ancestors and nobody knows who all of them are. It also means that yes, a great deal of white Americans have some Native DNA. Its only generations of “Moving on up” in apparent whiteness that fostered this idea we’d wiped from the face of the earth. The truth was they had become US.

The DNA researchers show they trusted in math when they started using Native American Ancestry as a pitch.  Basically they had a sample size so large it was scientific and there was one somewhat astonishing find – that a lot of Native American DNA is diffused through the population of North America.

America’s Fastest Growing Ethnicity – Native American

These DNA companies saw the evidence of the prevalence of Native DNA in small amounts marbled through American demographics. Then they checked their math and when everything added up they cynically exploited Native American heritage again. This Disney-fication of Native American history is a problem and a future blog post of it’s own. Whatever, it really went down that way. It’s probably sort of morally a bit wrong.

That the same math tells us there’s enough people running around with minimal amounts of Native DNA. Looking in the mirror they realized as many as 1/3 of they, the DNA researcher’s, and their employees had Native American DNA as well and could turn around and say “Fuck you, I got my Indian Card” to anyone else.

Marketed as an exotic thing that makes you different the truth is the DNA collection companies are cynical liars. They proceeded in this direction knowing so many people had some Native American DNA that the real story is one of genocide. So while there’s reason to celebrate your Native American DNA; the first thing it should tell you is that somewhere in your genealogical past, probably over 150 years ago, you had a white rapist in you’re family tree. So it should be an eye opener about just how poorly behaved the pure Europeans were when they show up in North America. You probably should read “Custer Died for Your Sins

How did this happen? Well for one thing outright breeding people out of existence is nothing new. It’s been practiced to victors as far back as Rome and beyond into the deepest reaches of antiquity. How did it work out? Well, you don’t see a lot of people saying they’re part Samnite, do you? This despite the fact that the Samnite’s DNA was extremely successful and is still intertwined into all Italian’s DNA.  Then, of course, History was written by the victors.

Who Are We? 

We’re all equally Americans. The sooner you get together with that in your mind the better. White, black, whatever. No one’s an “other”. Avoid thinking in terms of “Them-ism”

The truth is the genocide against the Native Americans only seemed to be extremely effective. The truth was that the Native Americans were lurking just below the skin of all these apparent White People.

Some estimates claim as much as 1/3 of all Americans have SOME native DNA.

And that’s as much as it means.

Seven generations back you have 128 direct ancestors. So 7 generations back you are getting like what? 1/128th their DNA over the time between like 1700 til now was passed to you and that’s it.

At some point between the time seventh generation was giving way to the 64 members of the 6th generation back from you there were 100 direct ancestors and that’s where you can start to say “In 1750, before America, ‘what was going on?’ on the East Coast of the Us and in the Caribbean?” The answer? “Lots and lots of interracial sex by both the willing and unwilling.

Another quick way to sum it up would be “On a mass scale White people used to act even worse than they do now.”

Elizabeth Warren Specifically

She’s probably telling the truth. It’s also probably no longer important. I do not think she will lead with this and shouldnt. There’s a likelihood we have already had a president with some Native DNA and simply don’t know it. Either Roosevelt is a decent candidate due to the long period of time the family had been in America. They were like 7th generation New Yorkers.

Trump, who still doubts climate change, that the Russians hacked the election or that Gold Star Families deserve respect is just a despicable guy. He’s disgraced himself a bunch of times making racist comments over this situation. Heres one horrificc example of Trump despicable racism

Well, Warren didn’t use a commercial test, so we can ask out loud if she ordered up the results ahead of time. So there’s going to be that asterisk. Trump will seize on it just like he seized on Obama’s Birth Certificate only to simply dismiss as fake all proof. The president is an inveterate liar.  Much more of a liar than if Elizabeth Warren were to have faked distant Native roots.

I do not think Elizabeth Warren is lying. I am confidant that odds of her actually having native DNA were pretty high just waking in the morning. The story was essentially true and we have some proof now.

Of note- Trump is a liar to the core and is not going to make good on the ‘Million Dollar Bet’ against Warren having Native American ancestry no matter what. This is a  guy who set up a phony charity that was so shady and such a money grab that our Trump and his family are SPECIFICALLY FORBIDDEN to form or be part of any charity in their home state of New York for fraud and ‘Self-Dealing”.

Trump also has claimed to not believe he was the person who was on the Access Hollywood Bus tape when all other people on the tape claim he was there and Trump himself admitted it was him. This won’t change. The guy is completely dishonest.  He’s also a sociopath and a pathological liar who lies even to himself.  You don’t need to be a geneticist to know the Trump Crime Family are the ones whose DNA you just don’t want!

Everything we’ve heard about the case of Elizabeth Warren suggests that she was right when she heard tales of distant native ancestry from her family. What seems shitty is the perception she used it to advance herself and that just another rich white lady looking for a “Minority Card.”

This is probably not a good characterization of Warren or anyone else because it seems that it was true and merely exaggerated or misunderstood by the people relaying the information. As far as I know there were  no geneticists in Warrens family tree so we can’t really kill her for just simply being like as much as 1/3 of all North Americans.

Another absolutely impossible to ignore part of the conclusions is that white Americans are not really Europeans if they’ve been here any amount of time. And if we stop all immigration today we’re all still going to slowly become some kind of American Race of mixed DNA.

So bottom line? It’s really unlikely a 4th generation American could not be part native american. Spare everyone the dream catchers, acknowledge its the evidence of a Genocide that was only THOUGHT to be successful. Now we’re finding out that the popular view of Native Americans in pretty much every single Western Movie before The Outlaw Joey Wales in the mid 1970’s was personally offensive to us and we were somewhat racist against ourselves.

And that’s a lot to think about. And that’s why there’s this whole separate post from a ways back about when I tested my own DNA and discovered I had Native American DNA.


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