Debate Magazine

Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett's Coelbren Alphabet Translations of Ancient Etruscan/Pelaegian Inscriptions into Welsh Then English

Posted on the 01 June 2015 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett's Coelbren Alphabet translations of Ancient Etruscan/Pelaegian inscriptions into Welsh then English

the original Coelbren cipher...

I'm totally fished in, and I hate it.
I've now read/watched enough Bronze Age Britain research from Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett's concerning their ideas about the Albyne invasion (1500 BC) the Trojan invasion (500 BC). I've heard tell of Caesar confronted in 50 BC by dark-skinned curly-haired Welshmen. I've read of the re-discovered timeline of the Welsh kings including Arthur I (350 AD) & Arthur II (550 AD) and the comet that was said to have scorched Britain about this time allowing the Anglo-Saxons to move in unhindered. I've even endured the fantastical tales of the voyage of Arthur II and his men to what became America. I've lapped it all up and I'm full to the brim with need.
I've had my investigational fill of this mesmerising stuff and now need my Doubting Thomas Evidence that replants the ancient Arthur story back into its rightful place in southern Wales.
I now need to see FIRST HAND EXAMPLES of English translations of Welsh i.e Khumric i.e. Coelbren Alphabet-derived Etruscan and Pelaegian inscriptions. I need to see a Welsh man dressed up as King Arthur I or II reading this stuff out in Welsh with English subtitles scrolling along the bottom of the screen. Only this will sate me. I demand this theoretical payment, now, having put my whole and total faith in this retelling of the Story of Ancient Britain. I want to find out how/why this ties in to the Makers of the Ancient Burial Mounds and Stone Circles and the creators of the Mold Gold Cape, all from pre-history as it's called. I want it all FINALLY reworked and tied together in a nice neat list. There are still too many holes in all this lovely shit. Still...
The True Story of Stone-Age to Bronze-Age Britain has to reclaim its ancient lineage if it's there for the claiming. And don't bore me with all this Lost Tribes of Israel nonsense, I don't care about the political aspect of that narrative so forget it. I'm not interested in the religious dogma and tales of Noah's Ark and Eden's Garden and A Plucked Rib, all that crazy crap. I want the actual truth of the Movements of Living People, not their silly tribal ideas or myths or lies told about them in the name of German Monarchs and Conquering Empires.
Come on, dear Wilson and Blackett, supply me with some real content so Free Planet can share it with the world.

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