Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Again with the Spiders…

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

It is bad enough that I really hate spiders but “Scientists find a fish-eating spiders around the world“. (Thanks to Todd for sharing the article). Its actually somewhat cool when you think about it, some spiders make diving bells with air and many live on the water surface just waiting to catch small prey. So why not eat what you can catch?

The bug world is a complex little mini version of ours and inhabited by some unique OK maybe strange critters. I’m sure you have seen pictures of the scary ones but did you ever notice the colorful and intense characteristics of a few of them. How about the art involved in making a web? So don’t just panic the next time you spot one outside ponder for a minute the beauty and don’t stomp it to death – they eat other bugs.  Another critter out for my business….

Orb Weaver spider by PPMA

Orb Weaver spider by PPMA

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