Fred the Bulldog Sings to the Operatic sounds of the 3 Tenors | YouTube

Fred the Bulldog gazes out as he contemplates his next note | YouTube
the 3 tenors in the background, Fred just couldn't resist but joining them.
With footage shot by Fred's owners, UK makeup artist Kirsty McCall and husband Dan, we are treated to one of the most heart-felt performances by a dog. The video performance has garnered over 514,000 pageviews to date on YouTube since the videos release back in December of 2007, an amazing feat for DOG! Watch as we see Fred gazing out the window, revealing his true emotions and gets ready to belt out the raw another note to the sounds of the romance Rondine al nido

“This is maybe the reincarnation of Pavarotti!” – M. Stex92
“It sounds like it's in pain!” – E. Routledge
“Close enough”
– B. Sevenfold
VIDEO: Watch this Bulldog attempt to belt out the sounds to Opera!