Fashion Magazine

According to Fray: White After Labour Day

By Renascence309 @renascence309

Labour day is in 6 short days, and following fast behind is the old adage that states that we must refrain from wearing white as of the 1st of September. Our general response to this is usually “but of course!” but should really be, “what the hell?” Funerals and weddings are the only occasions in which white should be banned and even at that, you won’t get a ticket for sporting the blank.

No one really knows where this ‘rule’ of fashion stems from. Some research has pointed to the temperature, as white is a reflector of the sun, and should only be worn in summer. Other sources state that the from the late 19th century up until the 1950′s, the burgeoning middle class, with a growing interest in fashion, were not fully aware of the ‘regulations,’ and  ‘no white after Labour day’ was one of the guidelines. Various other sources state religion as the reason behind this mysterious rule,  pointing out that white is ‘an Easter colour,’ and one should refrain from wearing it any other time of the year. Most state that the dull, baron winter is no time for the colour of what crunches beneath your feet (or has buried your car). Southern Belles would agree, but without any concrete reasoning behind the banning of white after an otherwise meaningless holiday, we say scrap what ‘history’ says, and wear what you like (within reason of course! This is not a free for all).

According to Fray: white after Labour Day

White is light, neutral, and comfortable. It keeps us looking tan (reason enough for anyone, fellow albinos), and is a perfect layering colour and concealer…as it isn’t even a colour at all!

And if you really can’t manage to offend the fashion gods, then wear beige instead. You know I will!

Autumn will kick in soon enough, and the hell that is winter is a close second. Do you really need an unsupported rule of nothing bossing you around about what to wear? This isn’t casual dress day.

Live a little. Stay tan. Wear white.

Death to colour,
Fray x

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