Politics Magazine

About That Evil Study I Did

Posted on the 04 August 2017 by Calvinthedog

Bumface the bestest: Also they’re not pre-pubertal at that age but peripubertal. Plenty 11/12 yo girls have boobs and pubes and want to fuck.

In case you are wondering, this person is a pedophile-hebephile who has been coming to my site for some time now. He’s also a troll, and I do not appreciate him linking to little girls and Lolitas in the comments. He’s been banned a number of times, mostly for trolling, but he keeps coming back. I’m not a pedophile or a hebephile of course despite widespread popular lies insisting that I am. I hope I would be OK if I was one and just happened to get wired up that way, but it was not in the stars. I like my females fully developed and in this day and age, definitely over the age of consent. It’s just not worth 10 years in prison for hot little teenage girl piece of ass. Why risk it?

The line that he repeats above seems to be something that most pedophiles believe. They all seem to believe that prepubertal children of both sexes have raging sex drives and are dying to have sex with their peers and even adult men. This sounds like a self-fulfilling fantasy on the part of the pedophiles who want to believe that what they are doing is perfectly OK with children as the kids want it anyway. I always suspected it was a myth and that was what set me off on the quick and dirty study I did on the Net for which I have been ripped to  pieces over. However, I told my female FNP about this little study I did, and she was very interested and urged me to continue my research. She specializes in Female Health including sexual health, so she had a great interest in this topic. She was adamant that all teenage girls should have access to free contraception.

What drove me to want to do this little study was an attempt by me to try to test a notion that pedophiles kept tossing out that little kids are sex-starved, horny as Hell and dying for sex, including with adults. Obviously it is convenient for pedophiles to believe this as it validates their behavior and makes it seem non-harmful or even beneficial. But I was always suspicious of this theory, and I suspected that the pedophiles were lying. My working hypothesis was that prepubertal children had no real sex drive the way we adults did.

This led me to the question of exactly when the sex drive begins in females, as I care nothing about males. Despicably, there is almost nothing about this in any sort of scientific literature. Once you put “sex drive” and “prepubertal children” together in a  sentence, most people fly into crazed hysterics and lose all rational thought. They’re effectively insane for the whole time they are thinking about this subject. It’s sets off their Mass Hysteria.

So I set out to determine when the sex drive in human females comes on anyway. Along the way, I wanted information about milestones such as breast onset, pubic hair onset, and menarche, as there is a lot of talk that the ages of these events were lowering in recent decades.

I put some words into Google and was quickly led to some bulletin boards where teenage girls aged 13-15 were giving the board questionnaires with these questions in them. The boards were teenage girl only. Of course they were all very enthusiastic about answering these questions, whereas adults apparently think that girls this age having these interests is despicable, vile, sick and evil. This attitude is terrible and shows our profound hatred for teenager girls in denying them the right to experience these feelings in a normal and rational manner.

So the impetus for this little was based on my anti–pedophile ideology! I was trying to prove that pedophiles were lying about this and to catch them in their lie! Somehow this little anti-pedophile study I did has been twisted around by 95% of people to mean that I am a pedophile or pro-pedophile myself! Isn’t that insane? T

his just goes to show that we are currently experiencing a Moral Panic and Mass Hysteria on the subject of child sex and teenager sex. Really it’s Teenage Girl Mass Hysteria because no one seems to care what teenage boys do their dicks. I would like to point out to all the idiots pushing this mass hysteria, 90% of whom are women, that they are being profoundly misogynistic about this matter. They are showing extreme hatred for teenage girls while letting teenage boys off the hook. It’s disgusting to see many women engulfed in self-hate like this.

In the course of my study, I found that pubic hair onset was age 12, but sex drive onset was not until age 13. Menarche also seemed to be around age 13. I only found one case of pubic hair onset at age 11. Only one girl was masturbating at age 12, and only one did not start until age 14. Age 13 seems to be the magic age nowadays. I did have a female client who started masturbating compulsively to Internet porn at age 11 though.

In response to the pedophile’s comment above, I have some remarks. I tell you what. I have met quite a few 12 yr old girls around here the last decade or so in this town. Some of them lived in my complex.

One thing I can tell you for sure about 12 year old girls is that they absolutely do not want to fuck, they have no interest in either boys or men, they mostly have stick little boy bodies, many have little to no observable tits, and basically they are still little girls, not a lot different from a 10-11 yr old girl who has no sex drive at all.

Also they seem very worried about, frightened of and suspicious of men, and it is very hard to talk to them. They act like they are terrified of us. They still have high pitched little girl voices and they call their fathers “Daddy” just like little girls do. They’re not ready for the sexual game. It’s basically a little girl!

But by age 13, something revolutionary happens to their bodies and minds, and they are just not little girls anymore. That event is the onset of a full-blown adult sex drive. I still don’t think adult men should be able to have sex with 13 year old girls – it’s just not right, but they have full sexual rights as sexual beings, and they should have a right to legal sex with their peers all the way up to age 17. In other words, it ought to be legal for them to do that. Now whether it’s a good idea or not is another story. But arresting teenagers and convicting them in a court of law for the crime of having sex with their 13-17 year old peers is utter madness. It’s cruel and insane. This needs to be dealt with in the family itself, but good luck with that. Ask around about how well parents can control hormonal boy-crazy teenage girls.

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