Religion Magazine

A Voice in the Wilderness – 8

By None

A voice in the wilderness, the parched desert, crying out to God’s own people: How can you live without Divine Light and Love? How can you claim so assuredly to be alive, to possess the fullness of Truth, when you – so many of you – are mortally dead? 

You say that you love God, but in reality you do not. You leave Him there exposed and abandoned, all alone, because you do not care. For if you truly cared, you would not treat Him and His people in the ways that you are. If you truly cared, you would neither slam shut the doors of your hearts, nor the doors on His very own people.

You were called to serve, yet serving you are not, as you are serving yourselves first and setting yourselves up. You treat Him – Your love, Your true love – with coldness and indifference. You disregard without batting an eyelid the sacred desires of His Heart.

Note: Written in the Upper Room, on the vigil of Pentecost.

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