Family Magazine

A Sparkly Nativity

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

December 20, 2013, admin, Christmas, School, , 0

This week was Little Mr A’s first nativity.  Although he had done a Christmas performance last year it wasn’t a nativity.

Little Mr A was playing the part of King 3 and had one line to learn.  I set about making him a costume which mainly consisted of an old pillow case, some of my old jewellery and lots and lots of Duck Tape!  I think he looked great and thankfully it held up through the dress rehearsals and the two performances!

We were so proud of Little Mr A’s performance.  For a few weeks he has been practicing the songs he had to sing and he sang them perfectly (and very loudly!).  His line was said loud and clear and he looked like he was having a great time.

I think he has definitely inherited the performance skills from Big Mr A’s side of the family!

A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity
A sparkly nativity

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