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A Polish Factory is Reborn as a Stylish Tailoring Studio

By Dwell @dwell
Something interesting appears to be happening in Katowice, Poland. Last week, we profiled a design boutique that recently opened there. Now comes word that Poszetka, which trades in hand-sewn ties, pocket squares and foulards, has expanded its operation into a brick-and-mortar store that occupies a formerly abandoned sewing factory. The owner, Joanna Krajewska Godziek, hired the architect Grzegorz Layer to reconfigure the structure and redesign the approximately 1,100-square-foot interior into a modern showroom for Poszetka's bespoke wares. Slideshow Poszetka tailor workshop in Katowice, Poland

The shop is divided into two zones: a sales floor under a mezzanine and a tailering workshop dominated by machinery and storage racks. Photo by Dorota Zyguła-Siemieńska.

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