Lifestyle Magazine

A New Chapter

By Kate_miller

A New Chapter

Deep breath, baby girl. This is your special day.

 It's taken me a full week, to come down off the clouds. To stop floating above the regular world, resting my tired feet on steady ground, after daughter Lauren's wedding day.

A New Chapter

BFFs since middle school ~ bridesmaid dresses created by a designer on Etsy.

It was just wonderful.
Pictures magically appear in my emails, and on Facebook, everyone who attended offers another cool perspective of this beautiful day. Photos filled with happy, smiling faces. Faces of folks I haven't seen in far too long.

A New Chapter

A sunset ceremony in Willamette Valley, Oregon.

 And, now my little girl is a Missus. That might take some getting used to. But, I tip my hat to her. She is a tenacious little planner. The whole day went off without a hitch.

A New Chapter

Dinner, outdoors, among the grapevines.

 I'll admit I had a meltdown when she dropped the bomb on me that I was walking her down the aisle. Instant wardrobe malfunction. Off to Nordstrom's to find a nicer dress. I was certain sure we'd trip on a tuft of grass and roll comically down the grassy hill.
A New Chapter

But, that didn't happen either. Everything worked out perfectly.

A New Chapter

Lauren's Fairy Godmothers

 A sweet beginning to a brand new life.
A New Chapter

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