Self Expression Magazine

A Lot Of Black People Are A Serious Problem In Life

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

A Lot Of Black People Are A Serious Problem In Life

A lot of people do not want to hear or accept the truth, but I am one who will speak my truth regardless.

When I worked a twelve-hour overnight shift this past Thursday at a medical rehabilitation facility, I got into a friendly discussion with a 75-year-old Polish man who happened to have lived in areas of the town I was born and raised in many years ago.

We reminisced about things then had gotten on the subject of black people who occupied residence in the area at the time and how most of them were low scale.

The neighborhood I grew up in was once an all-white neighborhood the people started to move out of the area when black people began to move in the area back then. The neighborhood was a beautiful place to live at one time.

I had heard and understood that story when my mother told it to me and other people I ran into acknowledged it.

There is prejudice among people who do not like people of certain races and ethnicities and there is a very good reason.

All black people are not bad, but most are not worth anything and this is coming from an African American female of mixed parentage/heritage.

I was not the average type of black girl/person growing up I spoke articulate and properly, I was very bright, and I did not hold the ignorant mentality that most black people had.

Just because a lot of white people do not like black people does not at all mean that they are racist. Some of them are but not all of them.

There is good and bad in every race or ethnicity, but a lot of black people do tend to be the worst.

I am black and have hated black people for the same reasons other races do. A lot of black people are a turn off- the way they look, act, think, talk. The way they present themselves, their mannerisms are off-putting.

I had problems with a lot of black people growing up because I was not one of them, I was not anything like them.

Black people are jealous of other blacks who are a better quality than they are and they try to pull them down to destroy them.

There are smart black people but rarely are they as bright as white people unless they are mixed with another bloodline. I have heard my mother who is black (with mixed parentage also) state this as well as a white person- but this fact was an obvious one to me.

Of course, I have experienced people who automatically judged me due to my brown skin but once they had gotten to know me it was a different story. It was not me personally, but the negative perception blacks have made on society.

In my life, with most people, it had always been predominantly white people and people of other races who accepted me and treated me kindly in life wanting to see me succeed.

All my life it has been black people who were extremely jealous of me and other blacks of my caliber. They have set out to tarnish our images, ruin our reputation with lies, and hamper our destiny in the most underhanded ways but because I never held their mindset, way of thinking, or essence their actions were in vain- a total waste of time- even if their severely deficient minds will never be able to grasp this reasoning.

Low-scale blacks as well as low-scale people in general like to bring people down to their level or lower.

They try to bring people down to their level because they cannot rise to our higher level of intellect, ability, character, or spiritual consciousness.

As far as I am concerned one of the only reasons Barack Obama was originally elected president is because he was biracial and because a lot of people (mostly men) did not want Hillary Clinton or a woman as president of the United States.

I am not at all insinuating that Barack was not qualified to be president, but even I would not have wanted an average black man in office.

I could be wrong but I think Michelle Obama would have had a good chance to become the first black woman present if she had wanted or decided to run.

Anyhow, for the most part, many black people are undesirable.

A lot of whites do not care when blacks kill one another because they feel they are helping to eliminate their own problem.

I just feel that it is the wrong blacks that end up dying and being killed by the hands of degenerates sometimes.

The ones that need to die are still walking around. They keep having children that should never have been born while there are good, valuable people who are unable to conceive children.

Trash people shoot out kids like crazy and they populate the earth unnecessarily with their undesirable offspring.

I could never stand living around a bunch of black people, going to school with them, or working in an environment with them. They completely turn me off. I only like certain type of blacks.

I have currently lived in a mixed neighborhood  for eleven years now with Caucasians, Korean/Chinese/Japanese and others of Spanish descent. There are not too many black people in comparison- and the energy is wonderful.

A Lot Of Black People Are A Serious Problem In Life

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