Business Magazine

A Look at Various Federal Budget Proposals

By Pjfaur @peterfaur

Here’s a comparison of various federal budget proposals circulating in Washington these days. For fiscal 2014, which begins on Oct. 1 of this year, the law in place (with another sequester) requires an across-the-board cut of $109 billion, with half coming from defense and half from domestic programs. Nothing would be cut from Social Security, Medicare, military pay, veterans’ benefits and a few other programs. Chances are that Congress will do some tweaks to protect the military budget. You’ll see that no proposal comes close to a balanced budget.

 Fiscal 2013Fiscal 2014  

Continuing resolution with sequester
(in billions)Senate passed
(in billions)House passed
(in billions)Obama proposal
(in billions)Continuing resolutions with sequester
(in billions)

Social Security$813$860$854$860$854




Net interest on debt$223$244$242$223$243

All other spending$1,227$1,119$1,045$1,249$1,127


Tax increases$44$20$0$31$0


Total debt$17,249$18,008$17,777$18,247$17,886


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