Food & Drink Magazine

A Healthy Start to 2014 with Weight Watchers at Publix #MyBlogSpark

By Take A Bite Out Of Boca @shaywiz
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post about savings on Weight Watchers products at Publix. I was sent a Publix gift card, but no other compensation was received. The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark. As always, all opinions are my own. Everyone is still on their healthy New Year resolution kick, so what better time than now to talk about weight loss and management? I’ve never been on Weight Watchers, but I do know plenty of people who have used it and found it extremely helpful. Weight Watchers has some of the best success stories I’ve ever heard. It’s easy to stay accountable when you have a group of people with you on the your weight loss journey. You have people to turn to when temptations kick in; people to cheer you on while you’re setting goals, and people to celebrate with when you’ve finally reached those goals. A lot of people make their goals, or resolutions, right after the New Year begins. Eating healthier, exercising more, cooking dinners at home instead of going out… The gyms are suddenly way overcrowded and we go on this crazy health food kick full of salads and smoothies. It seems that the changeover into a new year makes us all really concerned with our health (probably because we just binged on cookies and eggnog during the holiday season). Right now, until January 12th, you can shop a little smarter with savings at Publix. You can find BOGO sales on all Weight Watchers snacks, as well as Green Giant frozen veggies and Progresso Light soups. Yoplait Yogurts are also on sale: 10 for $20! Start off 2014 on the right foot with General Mills and all of the great savings available now at your local Publix. You can find out more about these savings here. If you start making healthy choices part of your everyday routine, it won’t just be your goal for the new year; it’ll  become a natural part of life.

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