Destinations Magazine

A Day at the Camel Races

By Sonyaandtravis @sonyaandtravis

With my sister visiting us, we decided to once more check out the camel races. Over a year since our last visit, this time it was a lot more organised, plenty of police, an ambulance, more Land Cruisers (four-wheel-drives) and a lot more camels, I think this was also due to a refurbished camel track. We arrived a little too early at one o’clock and as usual didn’t really know if it was going to occur or where to watch.

As it approached half past one, Land Cruisers gathered on either side of the start, and we could see camels being herded to the starting pens, and as usual, with no prior notice, the gates were opened and the camels began to race.

We watched a few starts, and even followed the Land Cruisers with our Nissan Sunny, behind the scenes in the holding pen were plenty of camels waiting their turn to race.

Camels about to start the race

And They're Off

Camels racing

Camels racing and Land Cruisers following

Racing camels

Camel and handler

Camels waiting to race

Camel with Qatari coloured harness

Camel and handler

Camels with handler after racing

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