Lifestyle Magazine

A Bride's Guide to Planning a Beautiful Wedding on a Budget

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

A Bride's Guide to Planning a Beautiful Wedding on a Budget

It is true that getting married is a wonderful and memorable event in your life. However, months or even a year before the actual wedding day, you would have to go through the tedious and overwhelming planning process. Of course, most of us want to have a dream wedding. However, not all of us have a humongous budget to get every little detail perfect.

When it comes to planning beautiful weddings , the experience you bring to your loved ones and guests is what makes the event memorable. Sometimes, you do not have to do everything extravagantly. The important thing is you set the right mood and environment that can capture that magical feeling in your wedding. Even when you're on a tight budget, you can still achieve this as long as you choose the right venue and create the right atmosphere through lights and sounds.

In this article, we'll help you plan a beautiful wedding even on a limited budget. Read through some tips on choosing the ideal venue that suits your lifestyle as well as how you can create the perfect ambience for your event through a reliable audio visual hire service.

When choosing the venue for your wedding, there are six major factors you have to consider: space, budget, theme, date, location and head count. Here are some important details you have to carefully review before deciding on the venue:

The location of your wedding is one of the first major decisions you have to make. Destination weddings are usually more expensive, not only for the couple but also for the guests. So, it is important to make sure that it is near you and that your guests can easily find it.

Of course, you have to consider your budget when choosing the venue. You might want to invite everyone you know, but getting a bigger venue would be more costly. So, you only consider those that are within your allocated budget.

It can be quite difficult to find event venues as some of them can be fully booked for the whole year. So, if your date is not flexible, then you should be open to other options.

It is essential to have a rough estimate of the number of people you want present at your wedding. If you're working on a limited budget, it is best to lower the head count and find a place which offers a comfortable space for your party.

When you evaluate a venue in person, you have to make sure that you consider its general vibe. Make sure that the place speaks to you and your fiancé. In this way, even on a limited budget, you would still be able to successfully execute the theme you have in mind.

When you visit venues, make sure you look carefully inspect the place and check if it can hold all the activities and elements that you want for your wedding. Take a look at the layout and see if it can fit all the tables and chairs, and if applicable, the dancing area, stage and cocktail bar.

Whether you want an intimate wedding or something more vibrant, having the right light and sound equipment will help you create a memorable event. So, you have to ensure that you'd book an audio visual hire service that is suitable for your wedding programme and theme. Below are some of the factors you have to consider when determining what type of AV hire service to book.

A Bride's Guide to Planning a Beautiful Wedding on a Budget

You would dedicate a lot of time and effort into choosing your wedding songs-from the walk down the aisle to your first dance as a married couple. So, it would only be fitting to get the right audio equipment that could reliably deliver the job.

If you are planning on having a garden ceremony and reception, then you would need outdoor speakers along with audio mixers and wireless microphones. Meanwhile, if you want a live band to play your chosen songs, then you would have to ensure that they get the audio equipment they would need. So, it is important to hire an AV company who can provide your specific audio needs.

The right lighting equipment is also essential in creating the suitable atmosphere for your wedding. Most of the time, the lights offered by the venue would suffice. However, if you're aiming for a specific look for your event, you would have to turn to another supplier. It would be safe to consult your event stylist as they'd typically have the right supplies. For instance, you can ask them to hang string lights over the table to give your wedding a bohemian/rustic feel.

On the other hand, if you have special dance or song numbers, it would be best to consult an AV hire company. For special performances, it is essential to have spotlights and strobe lights. Simply talk to them about your wedding goals and they'd be able to assess which equipment you'd need.

While guests are dining, you might also want to show them a slideshow of your photos through the years. On the other hand, you might want to show a special pre-wedding video that you and your fiancé shot with your videographer.

You can get a good deal out of choosing an AV company that can provide an all-in-one wedding package. There are companies that offer wedding lights and audio equipment. As a bonus, they might even throw in a projector and screen with the package.

Planning your wedding can be quite overwhelming, especially when you're working on a limited budget. However, when you get the right suppliers who can successfully execute your vision, you can make the planning process a lot easier.

Camille Montenegro is a writer and infopreneur. Her long experience as a blogger made her an expert on different niches like home security. As a blogger, she believes in quality content and backs up all of her posts with relevant research information. It is her goal to share this quality information in the form of guidelines, reviews, lists, and other types of blog posts to her readers.

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