Lifestyle Magazine

8 Ways to Reduce Stress and Relieve Tension

By Menscience

Stress has a way of creeping up on us. And once we get too stressed out, it shows. Whether it’s through the new acne breakouts on our face or the lack of energy to get the day, stress has a way of making itself known. We’ve got you covered, though. Here are 8 tips to reduce stress and repair your skin and health.

1. Improve your diet. Easier said than done. Still, the importance of a good diet can’t be stressed enough. Eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water and taking a men’s multivitamin can help you battle hunger, dehydration and any dietary deficiencies. Left unchecked, these can raise stress and aggravation levels. “Men’s Multivitamins 101” has more info on why a multivitamin is so important.

2. Be active. We’re all busy, but that’s no excuse to forgo exercise. You don’t need to hit the gym – a 15-minute walk or bike ride is enough to help you boost endorphin production and feel better. If you need something to get you off the couch, consider either a thermogenic formula or a pre-workout supplement for a quick jolt of energy. Both these products help increase energy and boost your metabolism. Furthermore, complementing your exercise routine with the Thermogenic Supplement Formula supports weight-loss processes naturally by increasing metabolic rate and calorie-burning. Too busy to exercise? Read “How to Overcome Exercise Excuses.”

3. Meditate. Taking as little as 15 minutes of your day to clear your mind and meditate can do wonders for stress relief. You can even listen to some quiet music or just go outside and take in the scene. Consider taking yoga classes to help you get in the mindset and meet new people.

4. Get enough sleep. Getting more sleep is essential to good health and helps improve your skin by minimizing the development of dark circles and undereye bags, which can make you look older. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-8 hours a night. Check out “Get Rid of Men’s Undereye Wrinkles and Crow’s Feet” for more help on combating aging signs.

5. Take an omega-3 supplement. Clinical studies have shown that Omega 3s can help elevate mood and improve your overall mental health. Make sure you’re taking pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fish oil for the best results.

6. Learn how to relax. Take several deep breaths and focus on them. This can help calm your nerves whenever you’re stressed out. If that doesn’t help, consider going somewhere silent and repeat until you start to feel more calm.

7. Limit sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Emotional eating can wreak havoc on your mood – and your diet. Excessive caffeine and sugar can make you extra jumpy, and alcohol will only depress you more – not to mention dehydrate your skin. “Are You Getting Enough Water?” has more advice on avoiding dehydration.

8. Have a Plan B. If all else fails, consider seeking professional help or support from a friend. Sometimes, it makes a big difference to have someone at your disposal to talk you through things. If you start to develop any stress-related skin issues, consider using a men’s acne cream or men’s eye cream to clear things up.

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