Lifestyle Magazine

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

By Artsyweddingblog @alicepub

The planet is turning green in an effort to reduce the harmful effects of greenhouse gasses and our own carbon footprint. It only makes sense that our traditions follow suite. Yet, how do you green up the most important day of a bride’s life?

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

Weddings are not usually known for their low CO2 emissions or for their environmentally friendly practices. Turning the tables to make your special day eco-friendly is a matter of choices that won’t impede upon the traditional desires regardless of the size or extravagance the day may hold.

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

Here are seven simple ways you can make your wedding a green occasion and save a lot of money at the same time.

1. Save a tree—Use the web

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding
In today’s society, mailing individual invitations is not really necessary. It is easier and greener to set up a simple website that lists the important dates, times, and places. You can send invitations via email, eliminating paper altogether.  Your website can even list the registries for your wedding party and can include notes and anecdotes of your wedding preparation. Guests are able to email you at your website, saving time and effort in sifting through piles of snail mail.

2. Skip, Skip, Skip It:

One of the easiest ways to green your wedding is to skip those items that are not eco-friendly and opt for more non-traditional routes of tying the knot. Some things you may want to consider skipping include rice, , and guest mementos of your special day.

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

Rice is harmful to some wildlife. Opt for birdseed or sachets of lavender and chamomile instead. In lieu of plastic wedding favors sporting your name, you can  choose a package of seeds to plant or give small potted plants to guests. If you really must give the guests a memento with your names on it, why not do it via a website in the form of a poem or a special page that personifies your special day?

3. Something Borrowed

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

When going green for your wedding day, your gown choice could really make a difference. Choosing to wear a vintage gown or an heirloom gown that has been modified for your figure or updated with new embellishments can be more elegant than choosing a gown off the rack. Besides, this method does allow for the old bridal rhyme to be carried out: Something borrowed, something blue, something old, and something new.

4. Localize It

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

You can increase the green in your wedding by making sure all food is from local and organic farms. Choosing a caterer that recycles and uses local offerings when creating a menu cuts down on emissions for transporting cuisine from far away places.

5. Location, Location, Location

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

When planning your wedding, think about the location of the ceremony and the proximity of that location to your guests. Try to have all guests on the guest list within a relatively short distance to cut down on the number of cars driving to your wedding. If guests are not able to be close to the location of your choice, considering chartering a bus for transportation so that the emissions remain lower.

6. Gems of a Greener Nature Shine as Brightly

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

Wedding rings are another area that can be greened up in the wedding scene. If diamonds are a must, then make sure your jeweler uses only controversial free diamonds that are mined under laws that eliminate a great deal of our carbon footprint . If you really want to go green, then try gems that are not traditional or that have been made in a lab. These have less emissions of gasses than their natural counterparts, but shine just as brightly.

7. Carry the Green Beyond Your Ceremony

7 Ways to Green Your Wedding

Ask guest for green gifts. Register at companies that are eco-friendly or ask for donations in your name to a charity of your choice. Believe it or not, you really won’t miss the three toasters and six food processors and dozen mixers.

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