Family Magazine

7 Most Amazing First Birthday Gifts in India That Any Baby Would Love to Have!

By Shwetashetye

Are you going ballistic thinking about the first birthday gifts? When it was my daughter's first birthday, I was in the "Don't-touch-me-or-i-will-goa-all-ninja-on-you" mode all 3 months before it. Yes, I started planning 3 months before the big day.

Clouds of craziness crowd over you when these kind of milestones start appearing. But, you know what is the worst? Attending a first birthday party and to top it finding the perfect gift. Finding first birthday gifts in India is not that tough provided you know the guidelines. I remember some crappy gifts that I got for my LO's first one and many of them were not even recycle worthy, they were plain charity gifts. I don't mean to hurt sentiments here but I believe that when you gift someone something, you are leaving behind a piece of yourself, your ideology and your heart in it. Give cash if it is too much of an effort, will ya!

So I just thought I will help you moms out there and create a list of probable good things to buy for a first birthday. Here goes the list!

Yes, go ahead gift as many books to the little one as you can afford. Goodreads is a very useful resource in locating books that the baby would love to read. Board books are better till they know books are to be treasured. Read reviews here too.

Never to late to invest in mega bloks for a little one. I know these are expensive and hence perfect for gifting. I as a parent would love to have these gifted to my child.

Pretend play is key to a 1 year old development. One of the important unit that a child should have is a telephone. And, if that telephone includes fun noises and counting, nothing like it.

Wooden puzzles

For 1-2 year olds, try getting wooden puzzles of not more than 4-5 pieces. Peg wooden boards such as Wooden Fruit Shape Blocks Puzzle Board

Most Amazing First Birthday Gifts India That Baby Would Love Have!
, Set of 2 Wooden Shape-Matching Pegs Puzzle Board Toys
Most Amazing First Birthday Gifts India That Baby Would Love Have!
or Wooden Dress-up Boy Puzzle Shape Board Game
Most Amazing First Birthday Gifts India That Baby Would Love Have!
are perfect.

I invested in a little tikes walker and it was a pathetic investment. But, if you invest in a sturdy one such as the one linked, I am sure your experience will be great. But, I have one suggestion, do not force your child to walk using it, let her explore.

How much my daughter adored this one! Its the best way to let them exercise their hands and safely. It is much better than her hammering away at those really irritating electronic drums. Seriously! Who invented that piece of toy???

Shape sorters are perfect for the inquisitive mind. After crossing 12 months, babies are all about hands. Let them explore this easy and fun game and learn their shapes too!

Whenever you are selecting toys for kids or birthday gifts for kids, make sure that you are using this infographic to make an informed choice. Barring few exceptions that your child just throws an unavoidable tantrum for, try to to follow these guidelines and you will always make an informed decision. Kiddie academy has come up with this infographic and we are thankful for their research.

7 most amazing first birthday gifts in India that any baby would love to have!

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