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50 Olympic Events You Won’t See At London 2012

Posted on the 18 June 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Short Description: Back in the day the Olympics were all about togas, sandals, the marathon and a fair bit of wrestling. That was of course the ancient variation of the sporting excuse to get together, flex some muscle in a variety of ways and compete to be a champion. The modern games in these respects aren’t that much different. Though it’s fair to say during the first half of the last century there was a motion to be ever more inclusive.

This meant that prior to WWII the Olympics scheduling and event selecting committee took a rather more lenient stance on the ‘quality’ of sports that featured in the most prominent of global sporting occasions. The result was a spate of excellent, but undoubtedly dubious inclusions. We’re talking freestyle javelin, swimming obstacle race and live pigeon shooting all of which Olympic medals have been awarded for. And this is just the beginning…

50 Olympic Events You Won’t See At London 2012

50 Olympic Events You Won’t See In 2012 by Find Me A Gift

50 Olympic Events You Won’t See At London 2012

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