Computing Magazine

50% Discount On Magazine MyThemeShop Premium Wordpress Theme

Posted on the 03 March 2015 by Rahulthepcl
In one of my previous I wrote about Yosemite MyThemeShop Theme Discount Coupon And Review. So again I am going to review another one of the best theme of MyThemeShop that is Magazine premium WordPress theme. As Yosemite theme was specially for bloggers and writers while Magazine is a site which is for large amount of content. You can say that it works like an magazine on the web. MyThemeShop is one of the trusted and reliable free and premium WordPress theme provider. Today in my guide I will review Magazine premium WordPress theme and there's a coupon code (Coupon Code : Crunchy50) also using it you can get this premium theme at half price means at 50% Off.

[Review] Magazine Premium WordPress Theme By MyThemeShop

Magazine is a WordPress theme that is designed for sites that have a large amount of content to display. With multiple layouts for displaying posts, multiple post formats, an elegant design, and integrated social sharing options, Magazine will display your content in style. With this theme you can display your content in a user-friendly way, with an elegant design. Code: Crunchy50 (Get 50% Discount)
Must Read :- 
Get Any MyThemeShop Premium Theme/Plugin For Only $9
Yosemite Premium MyThemeShop WordPress Theme At 50% Discount
Magazine theme comes with:
  • Beautiful Design
  • Multiple Home Page Layouts
  • 100% Fluid Responsive
  • Schema integration
  • Fast Loading Speed
  • SEO Mastery
  • Adsense Optimization
  • Powerful Options Panel

Features Of Magazine Premium WordPress Theme

1. Fully Responsive Layout 
This theme is fully responsive so you don't need to add any code to make it responsive. It will automatically adjust itself according to device user is using.
2. Lightning Fast Speed 
Magazine theme loads at an incredible speed if compared to other themes in the market. Their average page loading time is 995ms.

3. 4 Unique Home Page Layouts

Magazine theme comes with 4 unique home page layouts, so you can choose any one of them and make your site appear awesome. All this you can customize easily.

4. 2 Beautiful Slider Options

Theme has 2 beautiful slider to choose from. Both are lightweight and flexible.

5. Related Articles

Theme shows related article so you can huge number of views easily from your visitors.

6. Schema Integrated

Magazine is schema integrated, so all your site is clearly defined and readable to users and crawlers alike.

7. Adsense Optimized

Theme is optimized for Adsense which simply means that you will get high CPCs, CTRs, an RMPs from your site. This will help you to increase mon/ey in your pocket.

8. Low Bounce Rate

Magazine has low bounce comparatively to other premium themes available in the market.

9. Parallax Scrolling

With this effect you can add a visual pop on your site when user scrolls.
10. SEO Mastered
Theme is optimized for search engines, so you'll rank higher in the search engines and get more organic traffic when compared to other themes.

11. Off Canvas Mobile Menu

Developers saved the space on mobile site by integrating off canvas mobile menu. Which hides as needed. This way you saved your space and also got look to your site.

12. 590 Font Awesome Icons

You will find a awesome collection of icons and fonts. So now you can easily place icons anywhere and choose your desired font on them.

13. Clean Coding
Magazine theme coding is done very cleanly so if you are a developer than you can easily understand the code of theme.

14. Shortcodes
With the shortcodes you can add functionality to your post and pages with writing any extra code.

15. Inbuilt Social Media Buttons

All the social media buttons are integrated in the theme so now you can get high quantity of traffic from social media.

16. Amazing Options Panel

This is one of the most interesting and amazing feature provided by MyThemeShop. Most of the time we faces inconvenience with the options panel but Magazine theme options panel is quiet amazing, so you can customize everything in just few clicks.

17. Author Box

Magazine features an author box that shows off author information and a picture, giving your writers the credit they deserve.

18. Breadcrumbs

This help search engine and users to navigate your site easily.

19. WP Mega Menu, WP Review Pro, WP Subscribe Pro Compatible

Magazine theme is compatible with one of the most loved WP Mega Menu plugin, WP Review Pro and WP Subscribe Pro.

20. One Click Installation

It's a one click process so now you don't need to wait much till the loading completes.
Coupon Code: Crunchy50 (Get 50% Discount)So this was all about Magazine premium WordPress theme. Which you can grab only at half rate instead of paying whole money using my coupon code Crunchy50. Use this coupon to get 50% discount. Checkout their website for more features of Magazine.

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