Lifestyle Magazine

5 Ways to Make Your Wedding Unforgettable

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

5 Ways to Make Your Wedding Unforgettable

If you're in the midst of planning your wedding, you probably want to make sure that it's a guest that none of your guests will ever forget. These are a few ways that you can make your wedding even more spectacular for you, your soon-to-be spouse and all of the friends and family members who will be in attendance.

Have an Open Bar

First of all, it can be a great idea to hire a bartender and have an open bar at your wedding. Some of your guests will probably want to have a few drinks so that they can relax, unwind and mix and mingle with the others. However, you probably do not want your guests to have to spend their own money while at your event. Hosting an open bar from a company like KrispEvents can be a wonderful way to help your guests cut loose.

Have Awesome Entertainment

You don't want your guests to remember your wedding for being too boring. Therefore, it's a good idea to focus on having some awesome entertainment. For example, you might want to hire a great live band, or you will want to choose a great DJ. You can also consider having some other form of entertainment at your event; for example, you can set up fun yard games for your guests to play, or you can hire a magician to come in and do cool tricks.

Write Your Own Vows

Lots of people have been to weddings where people said the typical vows. To make your wedding day particularly special, consider writing your own vows. Not only are your guests sure to remember it, but you and your soon-to-be spouse are sure to find it to be a lot more special as well.

Choreograph Your First Dance

Your first dance should be something that everyone will remember. Consider taking dance lessons and even coming up with a choreographed first dance so that you can really impress the crowd when the music starts.

Provide Lots of Photo Opportunities

If there are lots of opportunities for everyone to take pictures, you can help ensure that everyone's memories are preserved. Setting up props or even putting in a photo booth can be a great way to ensure that everyone is able to capture the special moments from your event.

As you can see, if you want to make sure that your wedding is truly unforgettable, there are ways that you can do so. If you follow these tips, you're sure to plan the perfect event.
About the author:
Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls and wife to a wonderful husband.

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