Lifestyle Magazine

5 Ways to Announce Your Engagement

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

You'll be bursting with excitement to tell your family and friends your amazing news! Telling others you're engaged makes the whole dreamlike experience more real. Decide how you want to announce your good fortune to those you love.

The traditional means of making an announcement of this kind was to place an announcement in the newspaper. This old-fashioned gesture is steeped with romance so you may decide to follow this custom yourself. If you and your fiancé grew up in the same town, putting an announcement in the local paper is a nice way to reach old school friends. Placing an announcement in a national newspaper is a much grander gesture. Decide if this suits you and your fiancé and your impending wedding.

Most of your friends and family are probably on some form of social media site or another. After all, this is how most of us communicate with each other today. Decide whether your social media page is the right place to announce your engagement. It has the benefit of reaching all your contacts in one go; avoiding the dilemma of who to tell first. You will receive instant reactions to your announcement from well-wishers too. Before sending out a round robin message, decide whether you will be inviting all your contacts to your wedding. If not, they may be expecting one!

Letter writing is considered rather antiquated for today's modern bride. However, this old-fashioned means of communication has a charm all of its own. Sitting down to pen a letter is reminiscent of love letters and poetry. Recreate this personal approach by considering announcing your engagement this way. A letter takes time and effort to compile and this adds to the importance of your announcement. Delight a loved one with a carefully penned correspondence which they can retain as a keepsake forever.

Sharing your news with loved ones in person is the most personal means of communicating your engagement. Allow them to share in your joy as they hear your special announcement. Instant hugs, smiles, and congratulations will fill your happy heart! Gauging someone's honest, physical reaction to your news is only really possible when stood face to face. Their face with say it all. The biggest benefit of telling loved ones in person is the ability to instantly show them your engagement ring.

This quick mode of communication is very informal. Before choosing this method, decide if it is the most appropriate for your intended receivership. Close friends and family will be affronted by this informal approach. However, this mass means of communicating suits casual acquaintances to a tee.

Emails don't have to be 'faceless'. Attach a photograph of you and your fiancé or send an e-card announcing your news for a more personal touch.

At the stroke of a pen, a click of a mouse, or a flash of your engagement ring, your happy news has been announced. Now it's time to follow up your engagement by setting the date for your !

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