Family Magazine

5 Things to Love About School Holidays

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Up here in Queensland we have reached the half-way point in the mid-year school holidays. One week down, one to go …….. so far me and mine remain relatively unscathed. Those friends from southern states are joining in the holiday fun today, so welcome to the party folks and I hope you’re prepared for some out-of-school fun.

I thought that at this point, the school holiday hump, it might be timely to acknowledge what is actually great about the end of term breaks. If you don’t find school holidays particularly relaxing, or, if like here, it has been pissing down rain and your housebound kids have almost destroyed the contents of your home, taking stock of the positives can only be a good thing, can’t it? That said, it is a beautiful sunny day here and now I hope that I have not jinxed it for the rest of the week!

Here, in random order, are 5 things that I am finding in my heart to love about school vacation …

1. NO school lunches. No making them, no arguing about them and no dead bananas in the bottom of the school bag for 2 whole weeks = BLISS!

2. Not being stuck in the stop-drop-go zone for 35 minutes each afternoon while some less than considerates park for a have-a-chat instead of stopping-dropping and going.

3. If you play your cards right, you should be able to squeeze more chores out of the kids. Lots of little jobs spread over the days adds up to seriously more chipping-in and help around the place. Thanks kids ;)

4. The school homework battle is on hold … temporarily, but the break from it brings some very nice evening peace and quiet indeed.

5.  The holiday will end. The new term will commence and when the school-drudgery returns the NEXT school holiday will be so eagerly and excitedly anticipated … and then the cycle continues …. forever.

School holidays need not be a drag for the kids or for mum, and if you and your young ones are hunting for things to do this holiday, not so long ago I posted about a great website that could point you in the direction of school holiday activities. Also, previously I have suggested some school holiday survival tips which took a trip down memory lane to reflect upon the school holidays of old, where fun was plentiful, engaging and relatively inexpensive. I do hope that you find lots to do and to enjoy!

Do tell, what are your school holiday plans?

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