Life Coach Magazine

5 Organisational Things to Do Today

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Hello again. Here are five suggestions on organising. I hope you enjoy them.

  1. Make a commitment in your heart to organize.  Otherwise you will get bored and discouraged very quickly.  If you see organizing as a chore, it will be one.
  2. Start small.  Don’t try to eat the whole elephant.  Clutter and disorder can be overwhelming, so you have to take one bite at a time.  Spend 5-10 minutes sorting through a drawer.  Every little bit makes a difference.
  3. Be patient.  Organizing doesn’t happen in an instant.  Some people want to close their eyes and then open them to this miraculous makeover.  Then when it doesn’t happen they are frustrated and want to give up.
  4. Be prepared to throw away, but you don’t have to.  Yes, there is a catch, you must have a place for everything and everything must have its place.  Normally, if you don’t have the space for it, then you may have to find another place for it.
  5. Don’t over-organize.  I know you didn’t know it was possible.  You must be able to maintain your organization.  Make your organized system one that you can live with.  Keep it simple and have fun with it!

I would love you to contribute by e-mailing your suggestions to [email protected]


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