Fashion Magazine


By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Happy, happy Friday :)  I'm linking up with Lauren at From my Grey Desk for High Five for Friday. So here you have them, my top 5 favorite things from this week...annnnd GO:
one. Since Adam & I have been dating, he has always sent me good morning texts. Well Tuesday, I got 2 :)
two. Adam & I went on a double date with our good friends. We tried a burger place that was new to the area. Everyone seemed to enjoy their burgers! I got a salad so I can't tell you how good the burgers were, ha! Anyway, Adam took the picture of them and Hayden took the picture of terrible are these?! We were all 4 caught off guard. I swear that we had fun, despite our expressions in this picture ;)
three. I love snail mail, that's no secret. Well my blog BFF, Meg, sent me the sweetest letter and some cute bangles! She is so wonderful :) And hello, how great is her handwriting?!
four.  One of my friends, Kelsey, left me such a sweet Facebook message this week. It made my heart so happy to read it :) Goes to show you that kind words make such an impact on a person's day!
five. I love sipping on hot naturally I'm a coffee lover. Lately I've been trying to back off of the coffee a little bit and opt for some green tea instead. I've always liked it, but never really craved it. Well all it takes is adding a lemon and MAN that stuff is delicious. So I've started replacing one of my daily coffees with tea. Mission accomplished. 
Happy weekend sweet people :)

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