Hair & Beauty Magazine

4th Beauty Blogger Award

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc
4th Beauty Blogger Award

Hey Beauty Lovers! I am so blessed to be nominated a fourth time for the Beauty Blogger Award. Thank you so much to the lovely learningbeaut for nominating me. Go check out her blog, you will not be disappointed.

The rules:

1. Tag the blogger that nominated you.

2. Answer the questions you were given.

3. Nominate 10 people whose blog is about beauty or fashion.

4. Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Inform the bloggers you chose that you nominated them!

learningbeaut's questions: What is your favorite high end makeup brand and drugstore?

Favorite High End: Lorac

Favorite Drug Store: I love so many, but I will say right now...Revlon or Wet n Wild

What is your favorite season?

My favorite season is Fall

What is the best gift you have ever received?

Tough one...I have received so many amazing gifts. However, the best one was when my boyfriend found headphones you can use when you are sleeping.

If you could only use one makeup brand what would it be?

Wow these are tough haha. I would probably say Urban Decay because they make so many amazing products.

Favorite snack?

Anything Chocolate!

What is a good tip to give someone who is beginning to use makeup?

Start slow...use only some mascara, concealer, and lip gloss/lipstick. Master those skills and then move on to foundation and blush. After that, try eye shadow. When you are feeling brave, you can master winged eyeliner and contouring.

What makeup mistake have you made?

Not applying the right shade of foundation when beginning. I am sure many people have made this mistake because it is so easy to do...especially in poor lighting.

Favorite song?

I honestly have no idea. I listen to so many songs. However, in December it was all about the Christmas music. I really love the song, Last Christmas by Wham.

What is one tip you could give to bloggers just starting out?

Be patient and listen to your readers. See what they are reading and continue posting on those topics. Also, having a schedule and posting frequently really helps too. Most importantly, just have fun and enjoy the ride.

What is your favorite conditioner?

My favorite conditioner is any deep-conditioner. My hair is dry and needs some moisture.

My questions:
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. What blog post are you most proud of (link it)?
  4. Name 3 accomplishments you have made in your life.
  5. What is the worst beauty product you have ever used?
  6. Who or what inspires you?
  7. What is your go to hairstyle?
  8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  9. How often do you wear makeup each week?
  10. Favorite social media platform?
My nominees:
4th Beauty Blogger Award

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