Lifestyle Magazine

4 Crucial Things Newlyweds To-Be Forget About When Planning Their Wedding

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

4 Crucial Things Newlyweds To-Be Forget About When Planning Their Wedding

The wedding day is one of the biggest things to happen in a couple's life. It marks the beginning of the adventure of a lifetime and can set the tone for what is to come next. It is often a non-stop party period which makes it even harder to keep track of important things that need to be done prior to the big day. Here are four of the most crucial things not to forget about when planning your wedding.

Despite how carefully you plan, things won't go exactly according to plan. It's important to remember to be flexible on the big day and make sure you've planned for every contingency. If the band doesn't show you should have a play list on your iPod and remember your cable and a speaker so you can plug it in. If it rains, plan for an alternative venue.

Many couples today get a personal insurance quote on a wedding insurance package they can use just in case. Such coverage takes into account all activities related to the wedding day as well as all the surrounding events up to $1 million. The wedding is the one time in your life when you really need to be prepared to roll with the punches and have a Plan B in place.

Although practicing for the wedding ceremony is important, there are many other moments that brides and grooms need to prepare for. Just rocking back and forth to "your song" can seem endless if you haven't practiced a dip at the end and a few other moves to liven it up.

Also, you only have one opportunity to take the perfect pictures so ham it up in the mirror to make sure that yours turn out exactly like you want. It will also help to meet with the photographer in advance for a few test shots. After they come back you can then adjust your makeup and any other details that interfere with the outcome. Speaking of makeup, make an appointment with your stylist to practice hairstyles and makeup options so you end up with the perfect look on the big day.

Although DIY projects can save money in the long run, trying to complete homemade projects or cook a catered meal or wedding cake while planning a wedding can end up becoming an obsession. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon to draw in friends, family, bridesmaids and anyone else you can find to help only to find that it will stress you out even more and make them uncomfortable. It's better to leave some details to the experts so you can focus on having fun with family and friends during the pre-wedding planning period.

A couple of other times when spending a little on an expert can save a lot of heartache would be to hire a wedding coordinator only for the day of the wedding to keep everything rolling, selecting a point-person you can hand your phone off to so you won't have people calling you trying to get directions and hiring a clean-up crew. The last thing you want to do on your wedding day is to dismantle the venue in your wedding gown.

You're going to have a big day and on an empty stomach alcohol will do two things. It will hit you really hard and make you sleepy. The last thing you want to do if you have an evening wedding planned is to fall asleep halfway through the reception or have some other unfortunate incident caught on tape. You need to start with a good breakfast then snack a couple of hours before the ceremony even if you don't eat a full lunch.

Be sure you also eat during the reception other than cake. After all, alcohol turns to sugar in the blood stream and the last thing you want is to add a lot of sweets on top of the sugar serge you get from the alcohol. You want to drink enough to take the edge off without getting smashed. Make your wedding the best day of your life. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and you want to remember everything while having fun.

Despite how carefully you plan, weddings are known to be a time when things just don't come out quite right. There are a million details and a few are bound to fall through the cracks. The goal is for it to appear as if everything came off without a hitch while maintaining a calm exterior. By preparing for the unexpected and remembering that the day is actually about the nuptials rather than a perfect party, your big day can't help but be a success.

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.

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