Family Magazine

3B's Family Heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
Does anybody ever had those days where they are off to a not so good start and you are so close to throwing in the towel, but don’t. Then that day turns out to be one of the best days and you sit there telling yourself you are glad you didn’t leave? Well I had one of these on Saturday.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015
We had planned to go to Caulfield’s Family Day, the first of the kind for 2015. But things just weren’t going right from the beginning, Madison was in full terror mode where listening was not an option and to top it off when we arrived it had only just hit me that we had gone to the races dressed pretty casual.. What was I thinking? Luckily there was an even mix between dresses and suits and the casual race goers- like ourselves.
It was a task within itself to get in, we parked in the center car-park and then found we needed to be on the other side of the race track to collect our tickets, so we went through the ramp, which runs right under the track luckily.
When we got to the other side things weren’t running smoothly at all when collecting tickets and the other half was hot and bothered by this stage and just wanted to go home. So that is what we began to do, walk back to the car. As we did so Madison was very upset that we were walking away from the rides, and I felt like a horrible mother teasing her just moments before walking past them and telling her she was going on all them rides, as that was our intentions.
As we were half way back to the car we received a phone call that tickets would be brought back to us, so it was a quick hurry back to the gates- luckily it wasn’t busy as the first race was racing already- unlucky we didn’t back a winner!
This is when our day took a turn for the better and we secured ourselves a perfect spot on the lawn somewhere in between the finish line and the kid’s area.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015
I have never been to a family day, as the races have always meant adult time away from the kids for a rest. We love the whole atmosphere and just thought it would be too much to have to look after the kids and also enjoy ourselves. Now they are a little older we thought why not, what could go wrong?
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015The sound as they gallop past is just goose bump worthy.
Caulfield family day is great, once you pay to get in that is it. There is no extra payments to be made for the rides inside and the kids can go on them as many times as they like, which I thought was fantastic.
With so many activities and rides for the kids Miss Madison had no idea where to begin.
As we walked into what we named the Kid Zone Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were about to start so we thought we would sit in on this one and let Madison enjoy something Matt and I used to watch as little ones.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015
Madison danced along to the show and really got involved, which was such a great sight to see and then of course I did sneak a peek at Matt getting right into it also. The costumes these days have come along way since I was younger and you can really sell it to the kids that these are the real Turtles!
Then right next door to the Kids stage was Dirt Girl World where your children had the chance to decorate their own little cardboard pot and then pick either a chive or basil to plant in it and take it home. Madison decided that she wanted Basil as it is what she loves on her homemade Pizza that Dad makes her.3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015 Maddy and Daddy decorating a pot.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Concentration 0 at this stage haha.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Madison And her Basil
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015
Dirt Girl even made an appearance herself, which had Madison, an even happier girl.
Rides were everywhere, there was everything from dodgem cars (which had a huge line), those bubbles that float on water, blow up horse racing, jumping castle, footy drills, pony rides, petting farm and of course a wonderful craft area which Madison loved a lot- she is a very creative girl.3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Teapot Ride
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Petting Zoo
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015With Her Friends
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Pony Rides with Nugget
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Painting Her Rooster in The Craft Area
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015And thats a stack! On the blow up races3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Afl Drills in Action
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015She got the ball :-) Little Rising Star right here!
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Meeting the Bananas In Pyjamas.
For those lucky enough there was even a V.I.Picnic area, which was a cordoned off area- but I am unsure of the benefits you receive in here other then one of the best spots on the lawn.
To make my day one zillion times better I received a message from 101.9 Fox around 5pm to let me know to come into their little area. I needed to anyway as we went a little nuts on the photos. If you tagged #FoxLovesRacing then their machine would automatically print out a photo of you and you could print as many as you liked, so I had to go and collect the ones we had taken anyway.
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Our Winning Photo :-) Go 3B's Team!
But when I arrived there I was informed that I had actually won an 18month MRC membership, which had me almost in tears to be honest! I was shocked, happy, surprised and all of that jazz all at the same time- not to mention a little tired. This would have had to be one of the best Valentine’s Day gifts I have received in all of my life!!
3B's Family heads to Caulfield Family Day 2015Mummy and Daddy are tired, but well worth it! 
All in all it is a lot of hard work taking a little one to the races, and you are left pooped by the end of the day and just craving your bed. But Caulfield Family Day is a great place to start and let the kids get in on some of the racing action.

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