Family Magazine

30 Days On The Homestead

By Elizabeth Comiskey @lazyhippiemama

30 Days On The Homestead | LazyHippieMama.comToday marks the end of our first month in our new (old) place. We have been loving every minute of it!

Well… maybe not every minute.

Between the toddler, the dog, the rabbit and six chickens it seems I spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning up poop. Not my favorite thing, but it’s amazing what you can get used to!

Also, I have determined that our basement is the creepiest place on earth.  I saw it when we looked at the house – the constantly dank floor, dark creepy tunnels to access the plumbing, the hidden, shadowy corners behind the gigantic furnace, all locked away behind a 900 pound creaky wood-plank door – and I swore I would only go down there if I could SEE the funnel cloud and make a realistic determination that it was moving toward me. But then the internet guy came and needed me to go down and show him where to bring the cable lines in. I considered just forgoing internet but I’m pretty sure that would be worse than being sucked up into a tornado. Then Crazy Hippie Drummer decided he has a dream of being a tech reviewer and he wanted to start a blog along those lines. Just as he was getting started a circuit blew and the only way he would be able to continue is if I went down there AGAIN and flipped the switch back over. I swear, getting to the fuse box was like a scene out of Arachniphobia! That boy will never know the level of love I have for him to have braved it out on his behalf!

Aside from that, life is good. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to:

Lots of time in the garden!

30 Days On The Homestead

30 Days on the Homestead |

Just starting out…

After a month of sunshine and rain!

After a month of sunshine and rain!

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We’ve loved watching the grapevine flourish. I can’t wait to taste all the fresh grape juice!

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We built a coop and run for the chickens.

30 Days On The Homestead |
30 Days On The Homestead |

30 Days On The Homestead |

We’ve been amazed by how entertaining they are, but the funniest thing is that Harry Bunny seems to have come to believe that he, too, is a chicken.  (I keep checking for Cadbury Eggs… just in case.)

30 Days On The Homestead |

30 Days On The Homestead |

30 Days On The Homestead |

We’ve added all manner of fun things to our yard!

The fairy garden

The fairy garden.

30 Days On The Homestead |

A home for the toads.

And another. I'd MUCH rather have toads than mosquitoes!

And another. I’d MUCH rather have toads than mosquitoes!

I love this candle holder made from part of an old crib!

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Another part of the crib went to make this “skateboard” swing.

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We cut down a bunch of over-grown half-dead shrubs… now to do something with that space! (*Note – by “we” I mean Handsome Hippie Hubby and our neighbor worked really hard while I took pictures.)

30 Days On The Homestead |

30 Days On The Homestead |

We started a butterfly garden for all those little pollinators to have a safe haven. This may be the world’s easiest project since the most important part is to STOP mowing and cultivating and let the grass and wildflowers grow. Of course, being me, I had to add a few little knick knacks. I think hanging a couple of colorful planters on the pallet/fence would be perfect. I’m keeping an eye out for just the right ones.

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We explored the swampy area next to the riverbed across the street and found some fabulously huge tadpoles.

30 Days On The Homestead |

30 Days On The Homestead |

We had great fun celebrating with friends!

30 Days on the Homestead |

We’ve still got a lot of work to do. At some point we should probably finish unpacking.

30 Days On The Homestead |
 Of course… we’ll have a whole long winter to finish the indoor projects. Maybe I’ll get to those boxes then.  I think I’ll spend today with my bare toes in the warm grass!

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